Crawford High School

A Dress Rehearsal

A short video of the Crawford campus in 1957

Crawford High Opens September 10, 1957

A really bad Xerox copy of the Evening Tribune article

Aerial Photos of Crawford

September 30, 1957 • July 26, 1960 • October 20, 1961

Cafeteria Food

Hard to believe -- but some folks have fond memories

Purchase Your Book Covers In The Financial Office

Betcha haven't thought about book covers in a while

Remember those ribbons with the clever sayings like "Kill The Komets" (I made that one up). Sally Brett saved those too.

Sally Brett '63, through the good offices of classmate Betsy Scarborough, has loaned me her high school scrapbook. If you thought I saved everything, you are in for an exciting surprise. This will serve as an appetizer.

Student Handbook 1958-9

Courtesy of Jeannine Berger Passenheim '60

Graduation 1959

Bob Richardson '61 forwards a Kodachrome of the First Commencement ceremony and allows as how he suspect it may have been the only one held on campus (OK -- the football field)

1959 Vespers Program

Finally! The addresses and phone numbers of all the hot babes -- 46 years too late!

1960 Vespers Program

Mystery Photos

John Fry discovers campus photos that might date to 1960

Girls! Girls! Girls!

The Girls' League Handbook for 1960-1961

Class of 1961 Awards

I don't know what the story is on this photo. I dropped a file folder and -- perhaps providentially -- it fell out. I recognize Sharon Mass and Gail Bobrof -- and Sharon's wearing a sash that says "Miss Fit"


A photo from Bob Richardson '61

From the collection of

Mary Ann Roskos Rofflesen '63

Senior Standouts

From the 1961 Centaur

Is Your 11th Grader Planning for College?

Some hints for the Class of '62

John Fry: Honors History and Honors English

How can that possibly be true?

1962 Homecoming Queen and Court

From the 1962 Centaur

Was It Hot At 1962's Graduation?

1962 Class Ring & Pendant

The Centaurs Are Here!!

Mary Smith '62 shares photos she took the
last week of school -- and they're in color!!

1962 Senior Prom and After-Prom Bids

Courtesy of Sharon Meiner Calton

"All Hail Crawford High School"

"Wes" Western '63 answers the call for sheet music for our Alma Mater

Mystery Solved

The colorful photo taken at the Crawford-
Mission Bay football game on September 28, 1962

The 1963 Colt Mascot

The "other" color photo from the 1963 Centaur

The 1962 Winter Concert

Wes Western shares four songs

Roaring Twenties Dance Photo 1963

Courtesy of Susan I Choate McAlpin

I've "worked on" the photo from the 1964 Centaur and thought you might enjoy it.

1964's Homecoming Court

1964 Crawford Student Handbook

Courtesy of 1964's 40-Year Reunion Memory Book

Quill and Scroll Card

Courtesy of Eric Watkins '65

1964 Graduation

Al Osborn and pals pose for a group shot

1964 Senior Luncheon

Courtesy of Janis Irvine Ricards

Ruth Palovchik Yurgelon '65 shares a collection of pep ribbons
and an article about Miss Metropolitan San Diego Linda Taylor '65

Vespers 1965

Courtesy of Bob Mardon '64

The Royal Court and Nominating Convention

Color photos from the 1965 Centaur

Bill Ross shares photos of himself, Pat Arruda, Jody Nelson and Pat Myers

Graduation 1966

Richard Morse saved this article from the Evening Tribune

Student Handbook 1967-1968

Courtesy of Ed Schoenberg

Map of the School 1967-1968

Courtesy of Ron Smith

Graduation 1968

Kathy Keeyes Antus shares shots of herself -- and 1116 classmates at Aztec Bowl

Baccalaureate Instructions 1969

Courtesy of Sharon Whitley Larsen

Senior Awards Assembly Program 1970

Courtesy of Ed Schoenberg

Color Photos from the 1970 Centaur

Homecoming Court 1971

1971 CIF Swimming Finals

Great color photos from Ken Burton '72

Coeds of the Year 1972

Pacerettes 1972

Courtesy of Deby Cox Cowan '72

ASB Cards

Ken Burton has his

1972 Graduation at San Diego State

Ken Burton's dad took some great color photos

1974 Songleaders

A Presidio Park photo from the 1974 Centaur

Carousel 1975

Virginia Wick Hagins forwards snapshots
of her and Steve Gunderson in costume

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