Class of 1961

Senior Prom and After Prom Bids

(Courtesy of Ann Roskos Roffelsen '63)

Good luck reading the menu above. The cover says, 1961 Le Soir Can-Can: The inside pages say: MENU POUR LE PETIT DEJEUNER -- Jus de Oranges, Oeufs Brouilles, Tranche de Lard, Pommes de Terre Rissol'ees, Brioches, Rotie Evec Oel'ee, Cafe, Late. At the right it's: Bonjour, bonjour; Mesdamoiselles et messieurs; Welcome each, young lady and man, CE SOIR - LE CAN-CAN!; The accent is French, the Music sublime, The food magnifique, The prizes unique, So relax and have a wonderful time. (Parents of the Senior Class, Crawford High School).

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