Walt Abbey '68 -- LT Walter Abbey working as a physical therapist with patients at the Naval Hospital in San Diego.

Jerry Pease, Faculty
-- My dad coached at Crawford from 1957 to 1962. He was active
duty Navy from 1939 to 1953, as a gunner's mate and was on the dock next
to his ship on Dec 7, 1941. He served in the war in the Pacific
and the Korean war. He was an offensive lineman on the Navy Training
Center football team in 1949 -- Ed Pease ’64
Ed Pease ‘64 5th battalion, 82nd Airborne Artillery
stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany, 1969

Gary Bright '66 -- U S Air Force • Southeast Asia 1969. In this picture he's getting ready to repair battle damage to an F-4 Phantom.

Walt Hindenlang ’62
-- I served in the US Navy from 1967 to 1971 and finished as a
Lieutenant. This photo was taken aboard the destroyer USS Benson in San Diego.

Dan Burton '66
RVN 67-68 (Below) C-Ration cookout with the officers of Charlie
Company at LZ Shepherd, just around the corner from Khe Sanh on Route 9.
My Seagrams was a prop, the warm Budweiser the Skipper has was not.

James Miller ’67
I spent 21 years in the US Navy as a Communication Technician then had
my rating changed to Cryptologic Technician years later. I served
on the USS Kitty Hawk off the coast of Vietnam, and many other stations
around the world, and was home-based in San Diego. Thanks to all
my fellow classmates who served.
Ron Cullins '60 was a crew chief and gunner with the 114th Assault Helicopter Company in Vihn Long, Vietnam from 1968-1969. Click HERE to see some more photos.

James Dean Johnson ’67 My brother served in the Air Force from 1967 to 1971 and was stationed in Nha Trang, Vietnam. He finished his service at Grand Forks AFB in North Dakota. He passed away in 2003 -- Donna Johnson ’62

George Glover ’73
I served in the USCG from 1974 to 1979. I was a Yeoman Second
Class (E-5). I was stationed at the CG Air Station on Harbor
Drive, and onboard the Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton (WHEC 715) in
Boston. I am still serving in the USCG Auxiliary today. I do
Aids to Navigation inspection and verification.
Nick Watson ’64
US Army: 66-69; Vietnam Dec 67-Dec-68; USMC: 79-96;
Counterintelligence, retired as a CWO3; stationed at Cubi Point,
Philippines during Mt Pinatubo '91; Somalia '93; 2003-2014; Branch
Chief, Counterintelligence support to HUMINT Operations; Retired in 2014

Jerry Whiting ’64
served in in the Army from 1962-1965 in Field Communications with the
2nd Armored "Hell On Wheels" Division. He attended Darnall, Horace
Mann and Crawford.

William E Stephens Jr ’73
US Army 1974-1977 Active, 77-80 reserve duty. Rank: Specialist
4. Here is a side note: We are a proud military family: My
father: William E Stephens retired US Navy -- 23 years service:
Myself: US Army -- 7 years service; My son: William E Stephens III
retired US Army -- 23 years service.

Eric Watkins '65
I was drafted in 1971 and served 17 months: Basic and Advanced Training
up the coast in Fort Ord, then shipped overseas to South Korea for the
rest of my time as part of the 8th Army. I trained as a radio operator
and served with the 307th Signal Battalion at Camp Eiler in Kimpo,
CDR Richard Cloward ’60 views the USS Missouri and another ship in mothballs at
Bremerton, Washington in 1981 from the bridge of the USS Barbour
County. Richard had a 30-year career in the Navy leading up to
command of the USS Barbour County, USS Cleveland, Amphibious Squadron 9,
and the Naval Amphibious School in Coronado -- now known as the
Expeditionary Warfare Training Group.

The Clark Brothers -- Andy Clark '70: Marines, Jim Clark '72:
Army, Jeff Clark '67: Air Force. Sons of a veteran, nephews of
veterans, grandsons of veterans and great grandsons of veterans.
Grandfather of an in-service grandson.

Steve Shockome '73 USAF Airman First Class Aircraft Maintenance Instructor

Steve Carlin ‘65, Frank Browning ‘63, “Marty” Gabriel ‘65, and Larry
Leptich ‘65. Steve, Marty and Larry went to Vietnam. Marty didn’t
make it home. I will always miss him. Such a great guy -- Larry Leptich
just saw the photo of John Sullivan ’65 and Steve Sullivan ’69 holding
their Air Force uniforms. Steve and I are good friends and were
stationed at Lowry AFB in Denver together for technical training in
1969. Steve and I still hook up at reunions. Noting the
brothers photo, I thought it would be appropriate to share one with my
brothers. We all served in the Air Force at the same time.
The attached photo was taken in August 1975 when we were all home on
leave for Corwyn’s wedding. Pictured left to right are SSgt
Gregory Thomas ’69, Sgt Randall Thomas ’70, Airman Jeffrey Thomas ’73,
and Airman Corwyn Thomas ’75 -- Greg Thomas ‘69

Doug Houser '60 received
his commission as a Marine Second Lieutenant in 1966 and was deployed
to Vietnam in January 1967. He served as an infantry officer for
thirteen months in places like the Rock Pile, Ca Lu, Khe Sanh, the Hai
Lang Forest and The Artillery Plateau. He was discharged in 1969 with
the rank of Captain. Using his combat experiences as background, he
wrote a book, Jungle Warriors, Crime Fighters, that is available at BookBaby Bookshop.

USAF Staff Sergeant John Sullivan ’65 and brother Sergeant Steve Sullivan ’69 home on leave in 1970. Mom wanted to see her boys in uniform. Holding up their blouses was as far as they would go.

Jerry "Snoopy" Ellis '61 received
his Naval Flight Officer wings in March 1968 and became an F-4 Radar
Intercept Officer with VF-96 at NAS Miramar. He made two
deployments to Vietnam, flying 134 missions off the USS Enterprise (1968-1969) and
USS America (1970-1971). He was on the Enterprise January 14, 1969 when it suffered a
devastating fire off the coast of Hawaii. He escaped from one of the planes destroyed in the fire.

My husband Bill Wolf ’68
was a door gunner, then crew chief, with the 129th Assault Helicopter
Company in Vietnam. He’s pictured in his Huey in this shot --
Kathleen Lally Wolf ’68

David Clark ‘69 I
served in the US Army as a Combat Infantryman from 1971 to 1974.
In 1971 I was assigned to the 501st Brigade of the 101st Airborne
Division, headquartered in Phu Bai. Here is a photo of me “in the bush”
somewhere in the coastal mountains north of Phu Bai, sometime in the
Fall of 1971

Bill Ross '65 at home in San Diego after graduating from Jump School.
He went on to Vietnam as part of the 101st Airborne

Larry Vansworth '64, outside of Pleiku, Vietnam in December of 1966

This portrait of me was taken in a studio on Pine Avenue in Long Beach in 1948. Probably a "Liberty Weekend" -- John Fry '62

Cousins Arthur Sasena (Navy) and Arthur Borden (Army), both ’68 grads, relax on a couch during a visit home

Mike Kennedy ’61 Fort Ord Basic Training 1965

Bill Riddle, '59 at
Army Initial Entry Fixed-Wing Flight School at Wright Army Air Field,
Ft Stewart, GA, 1970. That looks like a T-41 Mescalero trainer in
the background. You may know it as a Cessna 172.

Rick Alexander '67
had an Air Force job in Hawaii that involved working with the Navy in
San Diego, so he got to visit his mom on a regular basis. She took
this photo in the mid-1980s at the family home in Talmadge. She
was my typing teacher and, when I taught at Hale Junior High, the Girls'
Vice Principal. You may have had her as a teacher also -- Betty

Mike Byrne '64
donned his Coast Guard whites for the 1970 funeral of his Commanding
Officer. I was unsuccessful in correcting the color. It
looks for all the world like a still shot from the movie The Sand
Pebbles, about patrolling the Yangtze River in 1926.

Pat Soper '62
joined the Navy in 1963, went to boot camp in Bainbridge, MD, dental
school at NTC in San Diego, then off to the dental clinic in Norfolk, VA
Susan Wilkerson McCasland '71 served in the Air Force and Air Force Reserve up until 2007, working in the fields of science and engineering.
1964 classmates Bob Mardon and Mike Nesbit pose for a photo at a Navy Reserve meeting in 1968.
Ron Layton '64 at Fort Ord army base in 1967

Chu Chi, Vietnam, 1969 -- Mike Shannon '64

is early in 1969. Our company was heading out for a couple days’
patrol. There is a radio in that pack I took a lot of effort to
hide. The NVA liked to take out radio operators as fast as they could. I
was 20 years old -- Bill Grantham ’68
first photo is me as a USAF Sergeant sitting on a 15,000 lb. BLU-82
Daisy Cutter bomb in May 1971 at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base, Vietnam.
We loaded these bombs up at the Bomb Dump (Munitions Storage Area) and
also loaded them onto C-130 Hercules aircraft and completed the arming
tasks before the plane left on its mission over Cambodia or Laos.
The second
photo is me (on right) as a USAF Staff Sergeant sitting on a stack of
750 lb. M117 General Purpose Bombs at Anderson AFB, Guam in 1978.
The war was over by this time, but we still supported conventional
B-52s, as well as four B-52s on 24-hour Nuclear Readiness -- Greg Thomas '69