Photographs by Nancy Wingo
Members of the San Diego Squadron gathered at the Coronado
Brewing Company before their visit to VR-57 on 23 April 2007
Facing east are John Geddes, Bill Bridge, Al Wilson, Jack Bushong,and John Bushong
Facing west are Robert Mijatovich, John Koshear, John Monroe Smith,
J J, Lynch and John Fry
One of VR-57's three Boeing C-40A "Clippers"
Al Wilson, Jack Bushong,
and John Bushong
"Coffee, tea or me?" Ex-Conquistador
Al Wilson hasn't lost his touch
"You know what I had for a 'Heads-Up Display' in my PB4Y-2?", says Bill Bridge. "A magnetized needle hanging by a thread from my rear-view mirror!! You kids today . . . "
LCDR ChuckSweeney listens attentively
"We claim this squadron in the name of King Phillip II . . . er the Association of Naval Aviation"
John Bushong, Jack Bushong, John Fry, AT2 David Lizon, "Hawk" Smith,
Al Wilson, J J Lynch, Chuck Sweeney, and Bill Bridge
Bill Bridge and our hosts LCDRs Chuck Sweeney and Marcus Foster