
Marine Attack Squadron 513
VMA-513 "Flying Nightmares"
(Photographs by Nancy Wingo)
In the hallway are photos of former commanding officers. We discovered our
late friend MGEN Frank Lang who had the squadron when it was VMFN-513
Boeing AV-8B "Harrier" #02 Captain Sam "Bugs" Benefiel was our host
Captain Daniel Fletcher has his name
on this side of the cockpit
Sam is about to turn around and discover that his name is misspelled
Bugs demonstrates the Reaction Control System, used while hovering
Captain Benefiel and Commander Fry
Sam opens the nose cone but keeps the wraps on the APG-65 radar
The squadron Color Bird -- or Flagship --
was in for a complete overhaul
Captain Benefiel points out some of the photos in Nightmare Alley
Its not the same as the Death Rattlers'
party bus, but it gets folks around