A Page from the Photo Album
of Ellen Scott Hahn '59
"WE STARTED AS BLUE BIRDS", Andrew Jackson Elementary -- Back Row: ?, ?, Patricia Nash, ?, ?; Middle Row: ?, ?, Ellen Scott, ?, ?, ?, Judy Kimball; First Row: Vickie ?, Karen Clingman, Karen Creaser, Barbara Keri, ?, Pamela; |
"WE SWITCHED TO BROWNIES", The "Bee Hive" at Ellen's House -- Back Row: Mrs. Scott, Ellen Scott, Judy Kimball, Gail Hoff, Linda Pease, ?; Middle Row: ?, Gail Hoff, Lynn Ball, ?)*, Mary Kimball. *These 3 girls were a year older than we were and went to Hoover when we got older. One of them might be Beverly, and maybe Diane, but I'm not sure.); First Row: Carol ?, Marlene Freed, ?, ?, Betty Cochran, ? |
GIRL SCOUT LEADER EVELYN SCOTT (Ellen's Mom) poses with her charges |
GIRL SCOUT MEETING AT ELLEN'S HOUSE on 51st Street around 1953 -- Back row, left to right: Mrs. Scott, Elaine Davis, Jeanie ?, Gail Hoff, Nancy Reid, Kathleen ?, Judy ?, Mrs. Clingman; Middle row: Marlene Freed, Tamara Brugger, ?, Mary Ann Edwards, Pamela ?; Front row: Judy Kimball, Ellen Scott, Betty Cochran, Karen Clingman
GIRL SCOUT MEETING AT ELLEN'S HOUSE on 51st Street around 1953 -- Back Row: Betty Cochran, Karen Clingman, Ellen Scott, ?, Judy ?, Tamara Brugger, Gail Hoff, Nancy Reid, Marlene Freed. First Row: Elaine Davis, Jeanie ?, Mary Ann Edwards, Judy ?, Kathleen ?, Pamela |
FUN PARTY WITH THE BOY SCOUTS FROM ACROSS TOWN -- This may have been a Boy Scout/ Girl Scout party with a troop that lived across town somewhere. I remember the boys being very funny and great fun. I don't remember most of the names. It looks like Tom Grader in white, but I don't think he was part of that group--I didn't meet him til high school. The boy on the right is Hadley Batcheldor. I remember him particularly because he was SO FUNNY and very cute--had a crush on him as I remember--and his name was so unusual. I think they may have gone to San Diego High. |
ELLEN'S BIRTHDAY PARTY, PIRATE THEME-- LEFT: Ellen Scott, Judy Kimball, Karen Clingman, ?, Betty Cochran, Tamara Brugger. . RIGHT -- Kathleen ? on the left and Mary Ann Edwards on the right. Don't know who's in the middle |