Here are three slides from 1948, probably all from the same day. The first is another from Aztec Villa. Sorry the color isn't better. The slides were probably taken on Ektachrome or possibly Anscochrome, which did not have the archival quality of Kodachrome -- Bob Richardson '61
Standing are Fritz Ziegenfuss '61, me '61, and my sister, Margaret '59. Sitting are Kenny Ziegenfuss '62, Stevie Kaplan, and Steve Scott (I don't think he went to Crawford--his dad announced the Aztec football games). Kenny has a profound scowl and is holding a mystery object in his right hand. (Looks like Fritz has a mystery object in his pants -- JF)
The second is from Cuyamaca. It appears to have been a faculty picnic and. since my sister and I are wearing the same clothes as in the first picture, I assume it was the same day. We DID have other clothes. Also shown, in addition to the donkey, is Helen Merzbacher, who taught Business at Crawford. Helen died in 2005.
The third is also from Cuyamaca, showing the Monkey Bridge that many kids might remember. Our sixth grade Campus Lab School class spent a week there.
Oh My God!! I SO remember the monkey bridge at Cuyamaca! Our 6th grade class at Oak Park Elementary spent a week at Cuyamaca in 1968. Seeing this photo brings a smile to my face -- Eileen Baumgarten Gaudette 74