John Platz '68: Ruminations

(Actual photo unavailable)
I guess it was the Slide
Rule in the March 5th Fry Day email got John Platz going. Here is a
chronology of his emails to me that night. I wasn't sure what to
do with them. They're too interesting to toss and, in many cases, too
irritating to share. I've left them unedited. They really belong on Facebook, where folks
like to duke it out -- but perhaps he's not a member. You can
respond to John on your own at
Elementary Allied Gardens. All gifted class. Mrs. Hayes taught us slide
rule, and speed reading before Evelyn Woods. 1959. When we finished our
work, she let us study college chemistry and design space stations.
Education use to be really great. All funded by National Science
Foundation, Stanford University, and Yale.
7:39 — THE PUSH FOR THE MOON. It began way before Kennedy declared it a
goal. Being part of the Class of ‘68, we came on the scene right after
the moon landing. We were educational guinea pigs. They tested
everything out on us. We piloted the “New Math.” And exactly what was
the new math? Bases. Can you calculate in a variety of different
numerical bases. And why? So you can code in binary. It was a national
push for early computer literacy. And it failed on the average student
which it wasn’t meant for. That’s why the new math failed. And of course
there’s the grandfather of the new math, Richard Feynman of CalTech’s
physics department who told the California Legislature that it was too
difficult for the average student. Thus, the new math died. But, we
didn’t. The proudest thing I ever did in high school was not the 1968
CIF county swim championship, it was when Mr. Wright, the physics
teacher, both scared the crap out of me only to make me shine before my
peers. It was a nationally normed physics test on physics concepts. No
math. He gave out all the As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs. And never called my
name. And then he turned to me. He said I had scored the highest score
in the entire school, even higher than the advanced physics class with
Calculus. No math. I to this very day see the physics in my head.
So this guy Benny Mestreda? had his station wagon in auto shop. Rick
Pohlenz and Benny were team mates on the wrestling team. So Rick says
Benny wants to go jump the station wagon. I’m game. It lunch! I don’t
know what the name of the street is but every Crawford driver knew it.
It starts at like around the top of 56th St. and dives twice. So we stop
at the top and accelerate down the first hill, hit the flat too fast,
and literally launch this Chevy station wagon completely off the ground.
Ha! We hit so hard that we had to drive back to the auto shop lot in
second gear. All the other gears were screwed up. Ha!
ill repute. So Francis Jerome Dickinson told us we could get four hours
off from school if we’d go to these political gatherings at the
Community Concourse. Just get your last four classes to sign off on this
outing. So we did! Ha! And we went straight home to get our surfboards
and went to the beach for three hours. Ha! We’d come back for swim
workout at 3:30. This is the year we won CIF. We did this four times and
FJD would ask us every time how the lectures were and we would straight
face him knowing he knew we were lying about what we were doing! Ha! He
knew and didn’t care! Oh! 1968 was a very good year. And I have more to
monk), Gary Benoit, and I got kicked out of Mrs. Barr’s study hall, she
took us bright young minds who were goofing off and causing disruptions
and made us classroom aides. Not kidding. We ran errands, did office
work, and ran off curriculum to help Barr and Dickinson get things done.
At the end of the Spring semester Jerry asked us what we wanted as a
reward for our dependable work. Beer and pizza! And he delivered. One
large six piece pizza and a six pack of beer in their offices on campus.
Yeah, I know! Highly illegal. Ha! But it did happen.
8:55 — DAVE DORMAN CHEWS SANDY BUBBLE GUM. I was there. Dave Dorman of
Dorman’s Tires, was challenged one day at lunch to chew a sandy wad of
bubble gum for a minute for five bucks. Dave did it as disgusting as
that sounds. Gambling at Crawford was a big thing especially within the
golf team. They use to play blackjack for cash at lunch almost everyday.
Am I talking out of school? Yes I am. When I think of the stories, I’m
gonna tell you them. There’s lots.
8:59 — THE APPLE CONTEST AT LUNCH. I could down an apple in seconds. So
people would challenge me. The real test came the day they brought me a
Washington Delicious and gave my challenger a Julian Gravenstein. My
challenger laughed so hard watching me slobber down this huge
Washington that I still beat him.
9:12 — GETTING SENT TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE. Mary Barr had me on an
assignment to spread some sort of news to the English department. And I
was sent out to spread this news. So I walk up a hallway to the quad
against all school rules during a lunch period of which there were
three. First period lunch. I’m cruising up a hallway and some dumb
fucker college kid tells me I can’t walk up that hallway, being closed
for lunch. I tell the dumb sob that he has his head up his ass. I’m on
an assignment from a teacher. He claims I owe him my ID card. I throw it
in his face and walk on. Asshole! They called me in the
next day and let me off. Not really a word.
AUGUSTINE. The Eagles. Look it up! I know what I’m talking about.
9:42 — SEMINAR ENGLISH LIT & POLI SCI. Two hour class of the best
and brightest of our 3,200 student class. About 100 students. Mary Barr
was the best English teacher of her day, bar none. She wouldn’t put up
with your shit and she let you know it in no uncertain terms. You
couldn’t bullshit Mary. Her message to us was never say what you
believe. Prove it or just shut the fuck up. And Francis Jerome Dickinson
was a retired Marine Drill sergeant. He didn’t put up with bullshit
either. So we told the truth.
9:54 — THE ULTIMATE SPITWAD. Ha! 1966 geometry. We had Bucky. But, Bucky
was replaced with some guy on his way to retirement. Can’t remember his
name. Anyway, at the door to most math classes there were bins of
scratch paper. So I got me three. Ha! I chewed all three up to make the
ultimate spitwad. Hilarious! I hit the classroom clock with a perfect
strike so no one could read it. Ha! Ask me! Ha! I have no reason
to decline the true stories.
9:58 — ORDERING PIZZA AND BEER BY THE CASE. Sorento’s Pizza on El Cajon
Blvd. All the delivery orders were with seniors from Crawford. They’d
deliver Jesus to the devil. Ha! Cash Lewis!
10:02 — THE SOPHOMORE PROM THING. We set the dance up and then ordered
three pizzas from Venice Pizza and a case of Bud quarts to the baseball
field at Crawford. And … and they delivered. Hilarious times!
10:09 — MIKE STAMM AND THE ’72 OLYMPICS. Two silvers and one gold. My
teammate in 1968. He blew me out at backstroke. He lost to the East
German twice in 72. But, got a gold in the relay with Spitz. There’s so
much Crawford out there.
10:18 — HULLABALOO AND SHINDIG. Street signs and high school rock bands.
Did you watch? Not likely. Paul Revere and Raiders featuring that
Lindsey fellow. We started stealing street signs and selling them to
late 60s garage bands. All too true. It’s based on a 9/16 socket wrench.
Ha! Only too true.
10:26 — PHIL RIOS KILLS AT THE ’68 TALENT SHOW. Phil played a Hendix
style solo with no back up. Neither you nor I could do it. Phil did.
10:38 PM — HOW I TRIED TO GET OUT OF GATE. It’s a thing. I was
unsatisfied with my 10th grade curriculum. Straight up. So I programmed
myself out of the gifted cluster. In 11th grade I programmed myself out
of GATE. And I literally goofed off during my junior year. It was really
great. My biggest breakthrough in 11th grade English was making 100
paper airplanes in 55 minutes. Hilarious crap. And then they caught me!
This too is hilarious stuff. I was programmed against my will into
physics and seminar English Lit and Political Science. You can run, but
you can not hide. They know who you are. Ha!
March 14th
MR BILLINGS. Rumor has it that he would take out his fake eye and polish
it to gross out misbehaving classes. True or myth? I had him for Adv.
bio. It was mostly biochemistry. It killed my medical career. Ha! One
great memory from that class was Barry and his trained worms science
fair project. Barry trained these flat worms to come to the light. Then
he bisected them, let them reproduce their missing halves and tested
them to see if they remembered their light training. Surprisingly they
March 24th
Driving force. From the time I was eight all I wanted to do was surf. It
drove my life in every way until I quit at 45. Sitting in 6 ft surf
with a knee brace, bad shoulders, crushed 5th lumbar disk, and a one way
neck, I decided that it was quit or die out there. Everything I did. I
taught school for 35 years because of the time off. All surfing. Swim
team? Surf workout.
March 25th
SDUSD - Fulton, Johnson, Oak Park, and Wegeforth. Opened computer lab at
Johnson, ran one at Oak Park, helped open one at Wegeforth. Taught 6th
for eleven years, 3-4 gifted 7 years, finished off with 12-15 years 3rd
with another 7 years teaching gifted in that stint. And like I said,
time off to surf was the goal. Elementary school gets out at between 3
and 3:30. Straight to the beach as many days as I could. And the
vacations. Some people need other kinds of success. I surfed for 31
years straight. And I find that the best kind of success.