ON ME. I'm wearing a Cheshire-cat grin
as I type this. Howard took this mystery
aerial on December 12, 1955. He didn't write
the location on the back, but I can spot a
bunch of places I visited in my college days.
week's Rozelle photo was taken while flying
in Mexican airspace. I hope Howard had a
clearance. The picture is of downtown
Tijuana, Mexico looking north into the good
old USA. Revolution Boulevard is the main
street, and yes I too have lots of memories
from "TJ." – hmmm -- Stan
Faulwetter '72
must have been a great Jai Alai fan in your
youth. Or was it was it for one of the great
guitars that were then sold in the stores in
Tijuana? When I was 15, Erwin Somogyi, now a
renowned guitar maker living in Berkeley,
went with me and found one that still sounds
great -- Earl
Feldman ’61
once attended a Jai Alai game and I also
purchased a guitar, but the places I had in
mind included the Blue Fox, Long Bar,
Chicago Club, and the Hotel Nelson.
Unknowingly Herbie, the bartender at the
Hotel Nelson, taught me that I didn't have a
future as a drinker. It only took two or
three weekends of finally being able to
consume solid food on the Sunday evening
following a Friday night in TJ -- JF)