A VERY LARGE CLUE in the upper left corner should make this Rozelle photo come into focus.

Early ‘50s in “North” La Mesa. El Cajon Blvd. meets Route 80 in La Mesa with the La Mesa Industrial Park just being graded. Fletcher Parkway is there going off to the right with lots of open areas around it (including the future Grossmont Center). Lake Murray Blvd. is happily winding its way around the reservoir and off to ultimately meet up with Fletcher Parkway. What was special event that day (in El Cajon?) causing all the East bound traffic from Route 80 to be backed up and waiting to go through the cloverleaf and then join all the cars going East bound El Cajon Blvd? Lots of stray buildings in the open area East of Baltimore Drive. I wonder what they were and if they are still there today? -- Earl Feldman ‘61

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