thought you'd enjoy this spectacular Rozelle
aerial, which looks north from 70th and El
Cajon toward Lake Murray. Then thought, "Wait
a minute -- if I enlarge the El Cajon Blvd
portion (see below), maybe we can spot Monte
Hall's Playland or Andy's Diner. Howard has
stamped both 1947 and 1948 on the back of this
photo, so it might predate Monte Hall's.
Someone out there -- perhaps my non-relative
Mike Fry -- is really good at Google Earth or
some technology that can tell us what this
looks like today, although I'm not sure how
that will help us.
Rozelle photo showing Lake Murray brings
back a great memory. My sister Margaret's
close friend, Jan Allison Hartwig '59 lived
at the lake, where her father was the dam
keeper. She knew my dad and I liked to fish
and said we could come on a Wednesday, when
the lake was closed to the public, but we
could only fish near the dam where the
public was never allowed. We didn't really
expect to catch anything, but it was only a
short drive, so we gave it a try. This was
probably in 1957. In the photo, the place
where we fished is the tiny cove just east
of the dam--not the bigger one with the
pier. This is where water entered the
reservoir, and it turned out to have fish in
it. The two large-mouth bass we caught were
the biggest fresh-water fish we'd ever
caught. I think the larger of the two
weighed four pounds. Sorry, no photo was
taken--probably because by the time we got
home it was just about dark. Jan's house is
among the trees just east of the little cove
-- Bob
Richardson '61
Seems like we spend
as much time with your media as we do with
anybody else's [like NBC etc.]. Anyway, Ron
and I were taking a real close look at the
spectacular Rozelle aerial, which looks north
from 70th and El Cajon toward Lake Murray.
After Ron pulled the Rozelle photo into
PhotoShop we were able to see that a couple of
structures were missing that we both knew were
there in late 1956. The house across the
street from Heather's old house on Saranac
Street is the Monk house which shows up on
Google Earth now since it was constructed in
late 1956. Ron's parents' house on Bocaw Place
was just finished in January 1955. Ron and I
met at John Muir School. We were in Mr.
Biggerstaff's 5th Grade class in one of the
bungalows located on the north portion of the
property. Barbara Ann Place, which is a spur
cul de sac off of Bocaw Place, is not even
graded in the Rozelle photo. Ron remembers the
work being done on Barbara Ann Place during
1956. This stuff may help zero in the photo
timing -- Heather
Meyer Jagodinski & Ron Jagodinski ’62
Howard is incorrect with his dates on the 70th
and El Cajon Blvd photo. The reason I know is
because my house, which is in the picture, was
built in 1954. It's the street with all the
white roofs at the middle left side of the
picture. This is where Nancy R., Tom Koester,
Gary Foster, Jim Webb, and of course my
sisters Connie '59 and Meredith '61 grew up --
Smith '63