Two Views of Mission Valley
Nancy Watson Wingo took
this color shot on January 20, 2009
Ironically, this Howard
Rozelle aerial isn't really an aerial. It's
shot from the south rim of Mission Valley
around 1965. I recognize the theater at the
right, but can't quite recall what the
building with the arches is. I think
DeFalco's was in this shopping center, maybe
Mavin's, as well as an ice-skating rink
- what memories. We had our first print
shop in the two-story office building, so
I am very familiar with the area. In 1983
the building with the arches was a coffee
shop. Olan Mills had a photo studio facing
east. I took my daughter there for her
third birthday pictures. We then walked a
couple of doors down and had a "girls
lunch". Yes There was a DeFalco’s and an
ice rink -- I think in reverse order, then
a large "Moskatells" craft store, then
another remodel making the Mavin Deli,
along with a large store and behind that
the Yarn Mart. Just out of sight to the
East was Caesar's restaurant on the curve
of Mission Center Road -- Estelle Valonis Brennan '63
Wow, Howard Rozelle's aerial that isn't an
aerial brought back a memory. My first
real job was bagging groceries at DeFalcos
and later becoming a stock clerk. That
store was really close to the Campus
Drive-In Theater. We lived right down the
street on Seminole Dr. That was just
before I got my draft notice and joined
the Navy in May of 1967 -- Gerald Hihn ’65