Party Animals


Emma Leisure, George Parry, and Mickie Geiger


Dear John,

Thought you might like to know about the surprise birthday party 26 former teachers gave for Crawford's former principal, George Parry, who was at the school from 1960-1968. The event was a luncheon at the Red Oak Steak House in La Mesa on George's 85th birthday -- December 19, 2001.

In a Christmas card he sent to me, George wrote about not having seen any Crawford people for a long time but guessed he had outlived them all. So I got together with Mickie Geiger and made a luncheon date for us three on his birthday. Meanwhile, we scanned the l960s' yearbooks, and with the help of Walt Harvey and Dick Jackson, we found a number of former staff members who could come to his party.

George Parry is still going strong. He tells great stories, and he still thinks Crawford High School was the best of his administrative experiences. Of course, he had a great student body during those years, and I might add an equally great staff.

The other attendees were Mary Barr, Grant Behnke, Charlie Clapper, Walt and Cora Harvey, Florence Hallinan, Ash Hayes, Dick and Connie Jackson, Charles Lewis, Karen Lozier, Bob Lyles, Marshall Malcolm, Dick Medenwald, Ross and Myra Metcalfe, Sally Remington, Jim Romig, Bill Sandback, Jim Sams, Emmett Skirvin, Sam Turner, and Lyall Young. You might remember them.

Keep up the good work on the Crawford Alumni Newsletter.


Your friend and counselor,

Emma Leisure, Crawford High, 1957-1968


P.S. I've typed this note on my Christmas present from son, David Leisure. He was hired again last year by the Isuzu Car Company to do about l0 commercials. I've only seen one in San Diego but am very glad he is working. He also appears in golf tournaments for fun.

Learn More About David Leisure (you know him as Joe Isuzu)



But Wait -- There's More!!

Dick Jackson and George Parry -- Ross Metcalfe, Grant Behnke, Sam Turner

Charles Lewis, Bill Sandback, JimRomig -- Marshall Malcolm, Walt Harvey, Ash Hayes

George Parry, Jim Romig, Marshall Malcolm



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