pleased to see this issue of the Pacer,
which was published in the year I served as
co-editor-in-chief with Judy Wiltse. Seeing
it brought back a lot of memories, and some
of them very humorous. In this issue, there
is one bit of humor that many people never
knew about. Perhaps with the passage of
time, it'll still be funny. That's the
article about Walt Roehrs’ fastest car --
the VW with "a Porsche engine". Walt and I
were friends, and we decided to pull a
little trick on Jay Katz, who wrote the car
column for the paper. I told Jay that Walt's
car had a Porsche engine in it. So, Jay
decided to do the story that month on Walt's
car. Jay wanted a look at this engine, so
Walt obliged and opened up the back hood for
Jay to see. Like most of us, Jay couldn't
tell the difference between a Porsche engine
and -- as in this case -- an ordinary VW
engine. Jay unwittingly wrote up the story,
and as everyone can imagine, he was as mad
as the proverbial hornet at me when he
discovered the truth -- after publication. I
can't remember if he ever spoke to me after
that, but he certainly never again took my
advice about cars for his column. Jay -- if
you're out there -- please forgive me. -- Eric
Watkins '65 |