
Dale Adams
June 1, 1942 - February 27, 2022
Dale passed away from pneumonia, in Lake Havasu City
Arizona. He leaves his wife Ruby and his son Paul and daughter Renee.
He was a heavy equipment operator here and retired to Lake Havasu City
-- Gary Morris 61

Emily Adams Byerley
Emily died April 14, 2019
Denis Allen
November 25, 1942 -
April 2, 1977
Patrolman Allen was shot and
killed after he and his partner responded to a
disturbance call. When they arrived they
discovered a man was attempting to flood his
apartment by clogging up the sinks and he was
stabbing a block of ice with a knife. When the
man saw the officers he advanced towards them
with the knife, but dropped it when both
officers drew their weapons. As Patrolman Allen
approached the suspect he suddenly pulled out a
concealed handgun and shot him in the chest.
Both officers returned fire, killing the
suspect. Patrolman Allen succumbed to his
injuries within minutes. The suspect had been
released from jail that morning after serving
time for attempted murder of a police officer.
Patrolman Allen had been with the agency for 11
years and is survived by his wife and three
Richard Allen
(No photo in yearbook)

Linda Allsbrook Slycord
January 11, 1943 - August 31,
"She died
peacefully in her sleep after a five-month battle
with pancreatic cancer, writes brother David
Allsbrook. At 6' 1" Linda was the tallest
female in her graduating class."

Joseph Ancona
September 12, 1941 November 23, 2002

Allan Bailey
Allan passed
away December 21, 2008

Ron Baldwin
November 25, 1942 - October 25, 2020

Donna Ballinger
January 23, 1943 -
February 20, 2001

Louise Barnes
August 9, 1942 - September 13, 2005

Jeffrey Barrett
July 13, 1942 - April 20, 2022
Jeffrey Barrett 60 died of
cancer. At his passing he was a resident of Payson,
Arizona. He was preceded in death by his sister Paula Jeanne
Barrett Blakesley '61, Judy Barrett and brother in law Jerry Joe Hensley
'61. He is survived by his wife Beatrice Barton, sister Marcia
Lynn Barrett Hensley 62, brother in-law Gifford Dorn Corky Blakesley
'60 and a bazillion friends -- Bruce Cavallin 59

Thomas Bay
July 1, 1942 - June
Paul Becker
(No photo in yearbook)
3, 1942 - July 23, 2003

Brenda Beitner
March 28, 1943
- May 4, 1962
The Beitners lived next door
to us on Hardy Avenue, on the south edge of SDSC.
In the spring semester of 1962 I was a freshman at
State. Brenda, a sophomore, was in a large
Comparative Literature class with me, taught by
Professor Frank Johnson (an excellent lecturer and
genuine character). My sister, Margaret, '59 was
in her third year at State. I well remember her
piercing scream when she heard on the radio that
Brenda had been killed. It was May 4, 1962. A friend of Brenda's had come by
with a new (to him) Jaguar XK150 convertible and
wanted to give her a ride. She didn't want to go
-- she had an engagement a short while off, but
agreed to a quick tour. The car flipped over on
Mission Gorge Road and Brenda was killed
instantly. He wasn't seriously injured. It was terribly sad to note
Brenda's absence in class the next day. Brenda's
mother, Frieda, never got over the loss -- it
ruined her life. -- Bob
Richardson '61
Jerry Bell
Pat Bell
says her husband passed away April 25, 2017.
"Jerry enjoyed your newsletters," added

Loren Berg
March 21, 1942 September 24, 2003

David M.
December 11, 1942 -
June 11, 2003
Born in Vallejo CA,
David later moved to San Diego, where he spent
most of his youth. At age 17 he won first prize in
a Merchant Marine essay contest earning a
three-month Asian trip, which he chronicled in
weekly articles written for the San Diego
newspaper. David earned both undergraduate and
graduate degrees in business at UCLA where in 1961
he met his future bride Vicki Lax. They first saw
each other at a "get acquainted" dance and David
said he knew immediately that Vicki was the woman
he would marry. They wed June 9 1963. Though
gravely ill David lived to celebrate their 40th
wedding anniversary. He suffered from acute
myelogenous leukemia.

Ronald Bobbitt
November 4, 1942 - February 4, 2006
Ron was born in Herrin, IL and
passed away at Chino Valley Medical Center of
heart failure. A veteran of the U.S. Air Force and
a truck driver for over 40 years, employed with
Dirksen Transportation, Ron is survived by his
loving wife of 43 years, Cookie Bobbitt; his two
children, Rodney Bobbitt and Kimberley Mihalovich
and one grandchild, Megan.

Dominic Bonjorno
August 10, 1942 - December 1, 1994

Lynda Bowers Preece
August 22, 1942 - January 2, 2005

Robert Boyce
March 5, 1942 -
September 1986
I talked with my friend, Kay
Wylie 60, over the weekend of October 1, 2004.
She confirmed what I had told you before. Robert
Eugene Boyce 60, committed suicide several years
ago. Kay is a friend of Gene's mother -- Marilyn Moellinger Lane '60

Dennis Bradley
July 12, 1942 - March

George Brown
September 25, 1940 - November 9, 2012
Beloved Teacher
George Brown, also known as
Mr. B to many students at Jeabek Elementary
School, passed away at his home in Ramona.
He was a San Diego native. George was
generous with his time and would do anything to
help students, friends or the school. He
retired in June 2002 but continued to substitute
and volunteer. His retirement announcement
in the SRCA Newsletter in June 2002 described him
in this way: "George Brown, known for
wearing suspenders and classic shorts, was a
fixture at Jerabek for 20 years. He retires
this month. George was an exemplary and
greatly admired teacher of advanced math, science,
and other subjects for 5th and 6th graders.
He had an innovative approach to teaching and
loved children. George is one of the faculty who
has made Jerabek the envy of the district for its
high academic achievements and number one
status. George has been seen frying eggs on
the sidewalk and using potatoes as electricity
sources, all to the enlightenment and pleasure of
children learning science."

Larue Brown Kobrin
September 4, 1942 - September 22, 2014
LaRue went to San Diego State
after graduation, received her doctorate in
psychology at University of Colorado at Boulder,
then taught at the College of the Redwoods for 30
years. She was a wonderful, very special being and
I was blessed to have had her as a best
friend, partner and adoring wife for 43 incredible
years -- Frank Bender
A long-time resident of Fort
Bragg perhaps best known for her many years as an
instructor at the College of the Redwoods, LaRue
was universally admired for her compassion and
intelligence as she helped many persons with
sound, practical advice on their personal
difficulties. Married for many years to Fort Bragg
fisherman, Frank Bender, LaRue died in her sleep
at her home with Frank by her side -- The
Mendocino County Today

George Buehler
August 29, 1942 -
April 1984

George Bultez
My brother passed away January
29, 2010 of a massive heart attack. He and his
wife were vacationing in South Africa. He was
playing golf, and on the 18th hole, when he had
his heart attack
-- Alicia Bultez Mason 61

Carolyn Burrell
February 5, 1942 - November 30, 2016
My sister Carolyn died of
complications from pneumonia -- Nancy
Burrell Williams '62
Judee Butzine Blohm
Judee died July 10, 2013. She
was recovering at her home in Arlington, Virginia
after a recent surgery, and was with her dogs and
her garden, where she wanted to be. She was found
by a neighbor. Judee was a warm and loving person,
and a wonderful friend to many. She shared her
home, her garden, her love of life, her commitment
to making the world a better place with the people
around her, and was an inspiration and a comfort
to those who knew her. Her brother Stephen Butzine
'65 preceded her in death on June 7, 1997.

Betsy Cairns
August 12,
1942 - August 14, 2006
George Cambetes
September 27, 1942 - February 8, 2011
My brother George
died of a massive heart attack. After he graduated
from Crawford, our family moved to La Mesa.
George moved to North Hollywood to pursue a career
in the aerospace industry. When the space shuttle
program came into being he transferred to Palmdale
and became the Parts Procurement Officer and
Public Speaker on the Space Shuttle program.
His last task before retiring was Project Manager
on the hoist that lifted the space shuttle onto
the back of the Boeing 747 that gave the shuttle a
ride back to Florida when the shuttle was not able
to land in Florida. I had a chance to "early"
retire, so my dad and I moved to Cottonwood
Arizona. After George visited, he said it
reminded him of Palmdale 30 years ago. He then
sold his home and followed us to Arizona, which is
where he was when he passed. George enjoyed golf
and, in earlier years, loved to ride motorcycles.
Gertrude was the name of his motorcycle. One
summer, in his younger days, he took a month and
just traveled the USA on Gertrude. He said the
most awesome thing he had ever seen was waking up
at the foot of Mt Rushmore and watching the
sunrise, slowing unveiling the Presidents. It
was dark when he had stopped for the night and had
no idea that he was that close to Mt Rushmore -- Betty Knudsen (Grossmont
High '68)

Colin Cameron

Douglas Casteel
October 4, 1941 -
May 1, 1989
Charles Cattell
April 18, 1942 - November 25, 2016
A San Diego native, Charlie
graduated from San Diego State University in the
Navy ROTC program in 1965. He started his naval
service with UDT Training Class 35 and deployed
to Vietnam with Underwater Demolition Team 12.
He completed his active duty as the Diving
Officer at Basic Underwater Demolition School.
After the military, Charlie owned a dairy farm,
worked in defense contracting, and as a software
engineer. Other endeavors included custom home
building, real estate agent, and franchise
ownership. Charlie was an avid outdoorsman.
Throughout his life he loved to hike, rock
climb, bike, surf, boogie board, participate in
triathlons, kayak, canoe, and paddle with the
Hanohano Outrigger Canoe Club. He also believed
in giving of his time and services. He worked
with Habitat for Humanity, volunteered at the
Lakeside River Park Conservancy weekly for over
10 years, and cleaned up trash on Blossom Valley
road for nearly 20 years as part of the
Adopt-A-Road program. Charlie married Toni
Dungey in 1967. They were successfully married
for 46 years. After Toni passed, Charlie found
the second love of his life, Gabrielle.
Sabra Clardy Bordas
January 18, 1943 - September 28, 2024
Sabra passed away in Hoag
Hospital in Newport Beach from leukemia. Sabra graduated from San Diego
State in 1965 and taught school in Long Beach for five years. After her
marriage to Pete Bordas in 1968, she devoted her life to volunteer work,
including Brownie and Cub Scouts, the National Charity League and her
current association with the Philharmonic Society of Orange County.

Richard Cloward
January 31, 1942 - October 20, 2024
Dick studied at the University
of New Mexico. He retired from the Navy as a Captain, having
commanded the USS Barbour County (LST-1195). He was a former
Executive Director at the San Diego Port Tenants Association, former
manager of charter services at Jims Air Aviation Services, and former
director of the Map and Atlas Museum of La Jolla. He was the owner
of Pacific Shore Maps.

Ronald Coe
May 1, 1941 - March
23, 1997

Joanne Collura
Joanne passed away this past
week after a brief illness. She lived in Lake
Arrowhead and was my son's Godmother --
Sharon Jobb Reynolds '71 (January 12, 2014)

Paul Cox
September 8, 1942 -
July 1970
Gordon Dawson
March 27, 1941 - April 17, 2020
Eugene Deputy
(No photo in yearbook)
September 12, 1942 -
September 17, 1971

Susan DeSure
October 9, 1942 -
June 18, 1977
My sister Susan DeSure
(her married name was also DeSure) died of
breast cancer. She was 34. She left behind a
husband and two daughters -- Betsy DeSure Richter Baranov
Bart Doctor
Passed away in April 2023
Richard Dobkins
September 2, 1942 - October 28, 2017
high school, Richard went on to college but
had too much fun to study. He joined
the Navy in 1960, served and then was
discharged in San Francisco at Treasure
Island. He met the love of his life.
Patricia, in San Francisco and later married
in San Diego in 1964. Richard and
Patricia moved to Chico for Richard to work
at the Toyota Dealership. Years later
he retired after working for Corning Ford.
Richard enjoyed golfing every day at Bidwell
Golf Course, and then went to Quackers to
play cribbage.
Judith Drake Williams
September 18, 1942 April 3, 2024
Judy was born in San Diego,
growing up in the Rolando neighborhood with her late sister Patricia Ann
Drake Roeder, Judy met her future husband Ernie as a teenager, and they
courted for two years before marrying in June 1961 at The Little Chapel
of the Roses. After high school, Judy attended Kelsey-Jenney
business school, and went to work for Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
downtown. In 1965, Judy and Ernie moved to El Cajon, and soon
afterward turned her attention to being a homemaker and family
caretaker. In both high school and, as a young member of Rolando
Methodist Church, Judy loved to sing. As an adult she was a member
of La Mesa First United Methodist Church and was an active volunteer
and "handbell mom" whenever she was called. Judy was also an
accomplished seamstress, making clothes for her family including formal
gowns for her daughter. In later years, she hand-crafted soft
dolls and fashioned outfits for her teddy bear collection. Judy
also had a love of paper dolls, accumulating a sizable library of
catalogs over the years.
Toni Dungey Cattell
February 15, 1942 - August 10, 2013
My wife was a 1964 graduate of
SDSU, where she earned a BA in liberal studies.
Toni had an amazing smile and joy that she shared
with everyone she knew. She would talk to anyone,
share stories with strangers, and teach anyone who
wanted to learn how to crochet or knit. She was a
loving and supportive wife of 46 years who gave
her life to raising her children and helping to
raise her grandchildren. Toni loved to read and
spend time with Siena, her granddaughter. She will
be remembered for being so involved in her
familys lives. She was the best wife, mom, and
grandma that anyone could ever ask for -- Charles Cattell 60 (Toni
was very pleased with your web page honoring other
deceased Crawford classmates specifically her
brother Rim Dungey who was killed in Vietnam)
I remember Chuck from
school. a really great guy. I am sorry
for his loss. May Toni's memory be a
blessing to her family -- Bob Schreibman '60

Lucille Esquibel
August 28, 1941 - November 2, 2001
Lucille was born in
Albuquerque, N.M., and was a homemaker. She was a
member of the VFW, and Elks Lodge 2011, Chula
Vista. Survivors include her companion Bill Allen;
sons, Victor Sandoval of San Jose and Triney
Sandoval of New York, NY; mother Tillie Equiebel,
sister, Valarie Sandoval of Colorado; and one

Kenneth Fall
January 27, 1942 -
December 28, 1992
Ken was an
accomplished pianist and organist. He played the
organ for the Class of '60 Vespers Program, and he
accompanied the Crawford High Choir for three
years. I know he was also the organist for his
church. Ken also had the male lead in the Senior
Play and was on the Senior Council. His goal was
to be a professional musician. I hope he realized
his goals, because he was truly a very talented
musician -- Diana Wilson
Longacre 60
Adrian Fernandes
October 7, 1941 -
January 7, 2015
Adrian passed away after a
long battle with Parkinsons disease. He taught
Graphic Arts and Photography at Clairemont High
School from 1971-1984.

David Flesner
death was reported by the Crawford Foundation
web site in July 2020 without any additional

John Flinn
July 16, 1942 July 2, 1969
Air Force Captain John Leroy
Flinn was killed when his A-1 Skyraider
aircraft was shot down during an attack at Muon
Soui, Laos.
I stumbled upon your Obits
page for Crawford alum and noticed my
grandfather's charming senior photo. He died in
of a sudden brain hemorrhage. He worked for
almost twenty years as a marketing manager in
the vinyl siding and window replacement
industry. He was an avid reader of literature
and philosophy. He is survived by his wife
Betty, his daughter Ursula, and me, his grandson
Douglas. I have attached a photo of him from the
early '90s. Your maintenance of the site is
thoughtful work and very appreciated by all
Crawford folks I am sure -- Douglas
Payne, September 25, 2015

Jerry Fort
January 3,
1943-July 9, 2003
Jerry died of a massive
heart attack while coaching his 12-year old
son's little league team.

Patricia Gambardella
July 20. 1941 -
October 18, 1988

Diane Gittings
December 28, 1942 - July 14, 2009
Dianes last residence was in
Eagle, Idaho
Hilliard Hall
(No photo in yearbook)
January 20. 1942 -
July 19, 1985

Dwain Hammitt
August 19, 1942 December 12, 2005

Harold Harrison
Harold was a good
friend of mine and died sometime in the early
1980s. He was in a logging accident in the late
1970s and kind of went into seclusion. I found out
later that he developed leukemia and didn't want
anybody to know and died in an Arizona hospital -- John Weeden '60
Marla Hartman
(No photo in yearbook)
September 8, 1942 -
October 24, 1995

Katherine Herd
August 8, 1942 - January 25, 2012
Katherine passed away at Hemet
Valley Medical Center. She was born in San Diego,
and moved to San Jacinto 20 years ago. She worked
as a registered nurse for 32 years. She enjoyed
spending time with her family and decorating her
home. She is survived by her wife of 37 years,
Cheryl Utley, her mother Earla Herd, and sister
Julie Herd Diaz 65.
Katherine was head of the
School of Nursing at Mira Costa College for 31
years -- Nancy
Alumbaugh Bailey 60
Ronald Hickey
May 31, 1942 - March 8, 2019
Ron joined
the Navy after Crawford and served until
1967. He then moved to Independence, MO and
began working at Western Electric as an electrical
engineer. He continued to stay with them as
they moved to AT&T and then Lucent
technologies until his retirement in 2003.
Ron married the love of his life Linda on December
31, 1976, celebrating 42 amazing years
together. He is survived by his twin
sisters from the Class of 63, Jeanne Hickey Allen
of Pahrump NV and Joan Hickey Stifle of Malibu CA.
Ron, Bill
Killinger and I were The Three Musketeers. I
hadnt spoken to him in several months -- Pat Chambers 60
Terry Hill
May 20, 1942 - March 3, 2023
The son of a career US Navy
man, Terry was born in Corpus Christi, Texas. He attended
elementary school in East San Diego, and middle school near Denver,
Colorado before entering Crawford. He graduated with honors from
San Bernardino Valley College, and returned there later to get
certificates in Industrial Supervision. After his Honorable
Discharge from the Air Force, he went to work for General Telephone (now
Verizon) working his way up from lineman to Head Engineer before
retiring in 1991. Before moving to Arizona, he worked as a
Telecommunications Engineer for San Bernardino County for two
years. After taking computer classes at Yavapai College in
Prescott, Arizona, he worked in their IT department for a couple of
years. Terry enjoyed riding his Harley, going fishing and camping,
and building and fixing computers. He was able to survive a
double lung transplant received at age 75 for just over five years.

Bruce Hitch
January 21, 1943
May 28, 1968
Bruce Hitch was also killed in
an auto accident. I believe it was not long after
graduation, but I'm not sure. He was the son of a
well-known local politician, (Councilman Allen
Hitch?) so that made the local news -- Katinea
"Tena" Templeton Todd

Judy Inscore
September 19, 1942 -
January 26, 1969
Judy Inscore died some time in
the sixties. I heard indirectly that it was on a
trip through the desert, that she was pregnant and
had German measles and had pneumonia or a stroke
-- Katinea "Tena" Templeton Todd
Virginia Ginger Irvine Barnard
October 28, 1942 - April 4, 2023
We shared a childhood in
Minneapolis and Alabama, and a summer in Montana before our younger
siblings arrived in San Diego in 1955 and 1961. After graduating
from San Diego State in1964, where she was President of Kappa Alpha
Theta, a homecoming Queen nominee and Best Dressed Coed contest
chairman, she embarked on an over-40 year career with Los Angeles
County. She began as a Social Worker in Long Beach, moved to a
supervisor in Los Angeles, then a Legislative Analyst. She became Chief
Legislative Analyst for the county and was then selected to start their
first protocol department. It was there that her fabulous wardrobe,
engaging personality and organizational skills made her fit right in
with diplomats, royalty and world leaders. She was a key player in the
International Protocol group. In 2019 she was chosen Junior League
of Los Angeles Volunteer of the Year. She was President of the Ebell
Club, the oldest womens club in California, for two years. We
celebrated with the whole family at Thanksgiving and Christmas and the
interaction invigorated her, in spite of her declining health. She is
loved and will be missed by many -- Janis Irvine Ricards 64
Jo Ann Jensen Martin
Jo Ann
died on October 2, 2017 in El Cajon. "I
don't have any further details of her passing,"
says Jim Martin, her classmate and ex-husband.
Dorothy Johnson Vargas
Sorry to
inform you of the passing of Dottie Johnson
Vargas, who was a friend and fellow Song Leader,
on July 25, 2019. She fought the cancer battle
-- Ginny Sanderson Dahlen 60

Carol Jones Bessette
April 8, 1942 - July
3, 1998
I was looking through the
obits and found Carol Jones, '60. She died of
cancer. She owned the bar Don's Place on Olde
Highway 80 and Los Coches Rd. in Lakeside -- Pat Day Carnie, '61

James Jungblut
August 17, 1942 -
April 5, 1963
James Jungblut died the year
following graduation in a murder-suicide. He lived
around the corner from me -- we both lived about a
half block from Crawford High School on the west
side of the school, but I didn't know him. His
girlfriend, who was a Crawford student, broke up
with him and on April 5, 1963 -- the day before
Easter Vacation -- he waited for her on the east
side of the high school as she was going to school
one morning. He had a gun with him and shot and
killed her on the sidewalk, then shot and killed
himself. It was in all the newspapers and was very
sensational and terribly shocking -- Katinea
"Tena" Templeton Todd

Jerome Karp
June 21, 1942 - November 16, 2007
My husband passed away from
complications of diabetes. He was a high school
special education teacher for 33 years. He also
coached basketball, baseball and softball. We were
married for 39 years and have one son --
Anita Karp
Karen was so sweet,
soft-spoken and incredibly intelligent. The last
time we talked, she was reading The Rise and Fall
of The Third Reich not an easy read and
certainly lengthy. Anyway, Karen was a terrific
friend of both my mother and me. Karen died after
diabetes-related surgery on her feet in the late
1960s. She is truly missed -- Susan Weetman Belair 68
Don Kerns
(No photo in
November 24, 1942 - March 29, 2013
My brother passed away
suddenly. He grew up in the Rolando area, attended
Horace Mann and Crawford. Although Don didnt
graduate from Crawford all his friends did. The
last twenty five years he lived and worked in Las
Vegas as a Master Electrician. He retired after
completion of the New terminal at the Las Vegas
Air Port. Don never lost his love of cars and was
passionate about his Mopars, building two award
winning show cars. He started the Las Vegas Over
The Hill Gang Car Club and was a
regular at the local car shows. He loved Nascar
and often attended the NHRA drag races in Pomona
and Las Vegas. Don was a loving brother and will
be missed by his family and friends --Bob
Kerns 63

Thomas Kitchin, Jr
September 22, 1943 -
March 13, 1970
I was wandering around the
cemetery in Julian and accidentally came across
Tom's grave. It was such a shock because we had
been friends in high school. I called his father
and found out that Tom had Hodgkin's Disease and
died when he was 26 --Pat Day Carnie, '61
Donald Korsmo
September 21, 1942 - July 4, 2014
Donald graduated with honors
from SDSU in 1972 and immediately left to work at
the Olympics in Munich. This was one of the most
meaningful memories in his life, and the
continuation of his love of Germany, especially
the baroque town of Fulda, where he spent three
years in the Air Force as a young man and came to
think of as a second home. His college sweetheart,
Loretta Chavez, joined him in Fulda where they
were married in 1978, and started a family. Upon
his return to San Diego, he began Korsmo
International, a European candy import company.
Years later he expanded his business to include
exporting American made skateboards. After years
of retirement he became a part-time chauffeur
which allowed him to work when he wanted, spend
time driving in beautiful San Diego earning "beer
money". His passions were healthcare; world
politics; medieval European history; travel; and
researching his Scandinavian heritage with friends
and relatives here and in Norway and Sweden.

Rochelle Lesser
"Ricky" died of metastatic
breast cancer -- Gail Bobrof Braverman '61
Ira Levine
(No photo in yearbook)
August 18, 1942 -
December 3, 1991
Judy Leonard Kanne
January 4, 1943 - July 28, 2021
Health care
journalist, nurse, beloved wife and mother, Judith Leah Leonard Kanne
died of Lewy Body Dementia at her metro Atlanta home. A daughter
of Polish immigrants, Judi was born and raised in San Diego. She
married Barry Kanne, in 1962, and they celebrated 59 years together on
St. Patricks Day. Barrys career at Motorola took them around the
country. In 1970, they moved to the Chicago area, where they
raised two daughters. There, Judi enrolled at a community college
where she received an associate degree in nursing, and then worked at
hospitals around suburban Chicago. In 1981, Judi and family moved
to Dunwoody, outside Atlanta. Still interested in furthering her
education, Judi enrolled at Georgia State University and earned a
bachelors degree in journalism in 1992. She then focused on medical
writing, working primarily for the CDC as a contracted communications
Nadyne Lieberman
December 17, 1942 - May 28, 2012
Nadyne died in Mission Viejo,
California, surrounded by her husband Frank,
children and sister Gloria Lieberman Spelber 68.
Confronted with pancreatic cancer in 2008, she
made up her mind to fight as hard as she could
until she could find a cure. Nadyne loved to
travel and became a travel agent just to support
her hobby. She always looked forward to sharing
experiences with her best friend, partner in life,
and true love, Frank. She would spend hours on the
telephone planning trips for the family whether it
was the annual trip to Hawaii, European vacations
and cruises, trips to Israel or just a weekend
get-away to Indian Wells.

Byron Lindsley, Jr.
August 24, 1942 -
February 4, 2003

Thomas MacDowell
February 27, 1942 -
June 16, 1970

Brian Maher
April 17, 1942 -
February 19, 1978

Robert Malin
August 13, 1942 -
January 26, 1967

Bill Martin
Bill passed away in
his home November 29, 2007, after a long and brave
battle with cancer. He was born in Philadelphia,
PA and moved to the San Diego area in his teens.
Bill attended San Diego City College, Grossmont
College, and SDSU. He received a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Engineering Technology form
Pacific Western University. In the 70s and 80s,
Bill developed the Multi Helix spiral
concentrator, a revolutionary method of gold
extraction from placer ore. He went on to engineer
and manufacture commercial gold recovery systems
that were sold and operated worldwide. Bill is
survived by his wife of 46 years, Cookie and
sister Sam from California.

Carol McArthur
July 9, 1942 - March
15, 1998

Stephen McBroom
February 14, 1942 -
January 22, 1974

John McDonald
John passed away
March 8, 2024 at the VA hospital in La Jolla. I called him the
week before and he seemed fine, but he had been in the hospital for
several months. I never found out why, other than he was not
able to walk or get out of bed. John and I were friends in high school
and we both joined the Air Force about the same time. He was in
the Air Force Band where he was constantly traveling and performed at
various venues around the world. I was assigned to Air Force
intelligence operations planning. We ran into each other a few
times during that time. Since then our lives took
totally different paths and we only saw each other a few times
in the last fifty or so years. He worked as a musician most of his life -- Paul Montgomery
was a friend of John "Hoot" McDonald and recorded with him. Our most
notable song was "Bostonia Ballroom". Coincidentally, he
lived in El Cajon, near the historic ballroom. He was a "Master Sax
Player" and every notable band musician knew him. He was a
fabulous guy. I share my condolences to his wife, family and
friends. He deserves to be in both the Crawford and San Diego Music
Halls of Fame! -- Lee Cook '66

Dwight Miller
July 3, 1942 September 18, 2009
Dwight's family moved to San
Diego from the Los Angeles area when he was a very
young. Upon graduation from San Diego State he
became a contract auditor for the federal
government. He retired as a senior management
position supervising government contract audits
for the western United States. Dwight resided in
the San Diego all of his adult life and lived in
University Heights, at the same address, for the
past thirty years. His passing was due to
complications from pneumonia

Richard Miller

Aztec Mascot
David "Spence" Milne
July 30, 1942 - August 7, 2023
Spence was an athlete, singer, world traveler and historian. Born in Sacramento where his dad
worked for the California Youth Authority. Spence soon was in San
Diego, growing up on Lindo Paseo Avenue next to San Diego
State. He was adopted as a mascot by the athletes and
students at State due to his infectious enthusiasm and love of
sports. At then brand-new Crawford High School, Spence was a
three-sport letterman in Cross Country, Wrestling and Track. He
remained dedicated to his alma mater as a member of the board of
directors of the alumni association and foundation until his
passing. After his freshman year at San Diego State, Spence served
a two-year mission for the LDS Church in Germany. This inspired
his love of languages, world history and cultures, which he shared with
all of us for the rest of his life. Spence also earned his
teaching credential and became a teacher of History, German, French and
other subjects at Madison High School. He was also the head coach
of cross country and track. Unfortunately, his students did not
share his passion for learning. So he left his teaching career to
learn more for himself, as an international flight attendant for
American Airlines. He traveled the world with deep interest and
curiosity, and didnt retire until age 76. Spence is survived by,
among others, his sister Terry Milne Tenney 61 and brothers Ken
Milne 67 and Keith Milne 72.

Darwin Montaldo
first foreign exchange student, Darwin died in
Montevideo, Uruguay on August 23, 2016 of lung
cancer. He is survived by his wife, Silvia
Iglesias, his children, Daniel, Laura, and
Verσnica, and his siblings, Siboney and
Dante. ASB President Ernie Griffin and his
family were Darwins host family. Ernie and
I were told of Darwin's death by his daughter,
Laura, having found emails exchanged between us
and her father. My parents, sister Margaret
'59, her close friend Carol Drogin '59, and I
visited the Montaldo family in the summer of 1960,
having a wonderful dinner at their suburban home
in Montevideo -- Bob Richardson 61

John Montejano
July 8, 1942 - May 4, 2007
John was born in California
and was a sales manager in wholesale textiles. He
is survived by brothers Bill '62 and Mike '66,
sister Olga Nolan '69, mother Roxana, three
children and seven grandchildren.
Gary Murray
(No photo in yearbook)
September 14, 1941 - August 1, 2012
Gary received an Associated
Arts degree in Construction Management from
Grossmont College. Passionate about building, he
owned a development business with his brothers in
the San Diego area for over twenty years. He and
his wife Carol owned two successful
Jack-in-the-Box franchises in the Pacific Beach
area and Gary also served as a Senior Commercial
Building Inspector for ten years for Clark County,
Nevada. Gary's diverse hobbies included the
ownership of thoroughbred racehorses, gold
panning, travel, flying remote control airplanes,
water and snow skiing.
Paul Olivier, Jr
(No photo in yearbook)
November 21, 1942 -
January 14, 2005
Paul passed away of a
sudden heart attack. A "Navy brat", he attended
many schools during his youth. He attended
Crawford the last six months of his Senior Year
and did not have his photo in the annual. A
teacher for 35 years, he was a resident of
Placentia, California at the time of his death.
Dale Orwig
February 25, 1942 - May 6, 2023
Dale passed after a
five-year battle with cancer at the age of 81. After high school
Dale served four years in the Air Force and saw much of the Pacific,
Australia and the UK. He then attained a degree in software from
Cal Poly Pomona. He spent a long and productive career in
government and the defense industry in the Washington, DC area. He
was preceded in death by his first wife Carol in 1995 and is survived
by his second wife Jeanie, with both of whom he shared a deep

Richard Owens
Date of death August 4, 1995 -- Vicki Owens

Frank Poma
July 13, 1942 -
October 24, 1989
Joe Randazzo
Joe died of a heart attack at
his home in Pacific Beach on Sunday, March 27,
the August 19, 2010 Beach & Bay Press
article about Joe
at photos of Joe's Chevron Service Station

Terry Raymond Hanson
Terry passed
away December 18, 2018. She was a resident
of Cambria, California. She is survived by,
among others, siblings Ken Raymond, Mike Raymond
70, and Lynn Raymond Waugh.

Marlene Reeder Thorne
I regret to inform all the San
Diego friends of the passing of Marlene Reeder
Thorne on May 7, 2013, after a battle with
cancer. She was a loving and close friend to Sandy
Sinyard Keller, also of Class of '60, who passed
away in 2009. Marlene is survived by her husband
Ron and their three daughters -- Susan, Rhonda,
and Laurie. I'm sorry for the loss of my good
friend and your classmate. She will be missed
-- Jim Keller (Sandy Sinyard's husband)

Douglas Robie
January 16, 1943 -
July 14, 2000

Heidi Roers Lombardo
November 6, 1942 - December 19, 2005
Heidi married Jared T.
Lombardo on July 2, 1960, in San Diego. Heidi and
Jerry, along with their two children, Nancy and
Tim, moved to Glenwood Springs, Colorado in
December of 1977. They founded the Roaring Fork
Waterbeds business, which is now known as Roaring
Fork Furniture.

Monty Rosen Newcum
February 7, 1942 October 16, 2009
Monty passed away in New
Albany, Ohio after a lengthy illness. She was
preceded in death by her brother Ron and is
survived by her twin sister Penny Rosen Van

Andrew Roskos, Jr.
August 17, 1943 - September
4, 1966
Born in Cleveland, Drew was
one of San Diegos first to be described as
gifted. He zipped through Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and was to start his
third year at Western Reserve Medical School in
Cleveland the day after his funeral. He had
become engaged on August 14, 1966 and planned to
marry in November. He had taken his fiancι
home to meet his parents for the first
time. They were returning to school when
their car was hit by a drunk driver on U. S.
6-24, a Colorado Highway, near Rifle -- Dawna Westbrook

Edward Owen Ed St. John
January 31, 1941 - January 22, 2018
Ed passed
of complications from lung cancer and COPD. He
spent most of his working career in the optical
industry, last employed by Hoya Vision Care. He
had a love for the desert and ocean, living in
Mission Beach for the last 30 years, and spending
many weekends in the desert or jeeping. He was
also a proud member of OMBAC. Ed loved life,
was loved by countless friends and family and will
be very greatly missed.

William Salle
January 17, 1942 - July 20, 1995
Loran "Joe" Schreiner
October 1, 1942 June 14, 2014
Joe joined the Air Force after
high school, then attended San Bernardino Valley
College and UC Davis, graduating in 1972. Unable
to find a teaching job, he joined the Yolo County
Sheriffs Department, where he served until 1986.
Having established himself as a premier athlete
during his stints in the US Air Force and college,
his athletic prowess continued as a Yolo County
Sheriffs Deputy. Joe gold-medaled in five events
5-mile run, springboard diving (1 and 3-meter),
boxing and spearfishing at the 1981 California
Police Olympics. He earned more than 20 medals in
a five-year span, and was dubbed the Bionic Man
of Yolo County. After retiring from law
enforcement, Joe pursued his passion for the sea
and started a successful venture with a crew and
fleet of boats, harvesting exotic seafoods
exported to Japan and abroad. After retiring from
this endeavor, he never ceased to be enamored with
the sea and continued skin diving for pleasure.

Myra Segal
October 24, 1942 -- July 12, 2013
Myra passed away peacefully of
complications from pneumonia. I visited her
several times during the weeks she was
hospitalized before she died. She was alert and
always seemed to enjoy our visits, even on the day
before she died. Myra retained her sense of humor
to the end, and in particular enjoyed hearing
about the antics of my three-year old grandson
whom she adored. Upon graduation from SDSU, Myra
became a stockbroker. She began working in Los
Angeles at Smith Barney in the mid 1960s. Myra
challenged a male-dominated industry to become a
respected professional in her field, and
proficient in many areas of finance. To satisfy
her spirit of adventure Myra lived and worked in
both New York City and San Francisco during her
career. Myra loved to collect art, and had a
collection of antique Japanese woodcuts as well as
paintings of clowns, of which she was particularly
fond. During her later years Myra was very active
at the Culver City Senior Center where she
participated in a variety of activities. You would
usually find her dancing at the Center on Saturday
afternoons. Those of us who knew and cared about
her will miss Myras presence -- Kathy
Tonsky Clyman 60

Buddy Sharp
January 23, 1942 -- September 15, 2014
Buddy was born in San Diego,
and died at his home in Hermiston, Oregon. He was
a retired aircraft mechanic for PSA and, later, US

Thomas Sheehan
November 23, 1942 -
October 13, 1978
Tom was my neighbor and died in
a car accident (I think in Kansas) --
Marilyn Moellinger Lane

Judith Sinclair Dabbs
February 13, 1943 - April 12, 2010
Judy obtained her BA at SDSU
and was an educator in Poway for 25+ years. She
was a talented opera singer, generous friend,
loyal mother, and the best grandmother ever.
During the last years of her life, she lived in
Ashland, Oregon, with her daughter and grandson.
Judy died in her sleep on a beautiful spring day
and will be forever missed, always loved.
Sandra Sinyard Keller
February 13, 1942 - April 7, 2009
A resident of Hermosa Beach,
CA, Sandra passed away at the age of 67. She
worked thirteen years as a flight attendant for
American Airlines and was an active member of the
Kiwis, a service group of former flight
attendants. Sandy was a co-founder of the local
chapter of the Compassionate Friends, where she
helped parents who have lost children. Two
recipients have been found to receive kidney and
liver donations. Even in death, Sandy lovingly
gave life to others. Sandy is survived by her
loving husband Jim Keller, her daughter Kara Lyn
Keller, and her brother Mike Sinyard.
Charles "Lance" Smith
October 1, 1942 June 23, 2005
My brother passed away in La
Mesa, California from a very brief bout with lung
cancer. Lance attended Darnall Elementary School,
Horace Mann Junior High and one year at Crawford,
before the family relocated in the Mount Miguel
School District, where he graduated in 1960.
Lance loved to collect classic cars and his
favorites were his 1965 Mustang hot rod and his
Model A. He was employed by the United States Navy
at North Island as an Environmental Engineer.
Lance is survived by his brothers Bob, Tom, and
John. He was the big brother every kid brother
could ask for, always there to talk to and help
out. We all miss him very much -- Bob
Smith '62

Judith Smith Cagle
April 24, 1942 - December 10, 2009
Judie Cagle passed away after
a long illness at home in Aurora, Colorado. After
completing studies, Judie joined the travel
industry, working for the airlines for more than
30 years. Judie enjoyed taking her close friends
and family on many exciting trips abroad.
Robert R. Smith
October 16, 1942 - February 5, 2020
Born at
North Island, Bob graduated from Crawford, went
on to SDSU and graduated in 1970 from UCSD with
a PhD in Math. He spent his entire career
at the Navy Lab at Point Loma, at first doing
math modeling, then moving on to something he
loved more: managing the building of --and
taking to sea -- towed array sonar surveillance
systems. A hunter most of his life, after
retiring in 1995, he took up bird hunting and
acquired the first of his four beloved hunting

Mary Souza Wiza
May 9, 1942 - March
16, 1994

Gary Tillinghast
March 10, 1942 June 11, 2006

Michael Tucker
July 10, 1942 - December 20, 2021
Mike has lost his long and
hard-fought battle with lung cancer. In lieu of flowers, spend
extra time with your family or take a bike ride in his memory.
The time is never right. The heart is never ready.

Norman Urquhart
April 19, 1942 - July 8, 2021
Norm and his brother were early
members of the Prowlers car club, and Norms green pick up truck was
featured in one of the Crawford newspapers. He and Bob owned Urquhart
Brothers Motorcycle Repair in El Cajon. After their shop was sold,
he went into landscaping. He lived off Winter Gardens Boulevard
in Lakeside -- Gary Morris 61

Art Vetter
My friend of over 53 years passed
away at his home
in Rancho Bernardo on July 31, 2009 -- Mel Brav

Helen Wallace Berger
April 23, 1942 -
September 11, 1990

John Wallen
June 27, 1943 - May 8, 2008
My brother passed away after a
two-year bout with cancer. The Saturday before he
died his wife rented a large limousine and eleven
of us spent the day touring some of his favorite
places. We told John Stories -- of which there
are many -- laughed, listened and sang to his
favorite music, and watched the sun set over the
Pacific Ocean north of Santa Barbara. He was not
in communication with us during his last three
days, but we stayed with him in the family room
around the clock. He died there at 7:20 PM with
all of us in attendance -- JoAnne Wallen

Sharon Weissmann
May 22, 1942 - May 27, 2007
This past year I met Sharon at
a nursing home in La Mesa where I am the Food
Service Supervisor. Sharon died a few months ago.
She was a patient for a few years at my facility
and I enjoyed knowing her. During her time with us
I found we had graduated from the same high school
a few years apart. Her family cared about her very
much and watched over her during her illness. Her
brother Mark was a 69 graduate of Crawford --
Judy Hughes Ely 62
Wendy Wilcox Pumphrey
Mary Wilcox Craven '63 and
Judy Wilcox Baker '66 share news of the passing of their sister Wendy
Wilcox Pumphrey '60 on August 2, 2024. Wendy married John
Pumphrey, Grossmont High '58, in 1963 and lived in Santee

Marian Wilkerson
September 6, 1943 -
December 3, 1999
Marian died after a
five-year long battle with kidney cancer. She
lived in North County for 16 years. She was a
public school educator for 31 years, serving
as a counselor for the Vista Unified School
District for the past 16 years. She is
survived by her sister Patsi Wilkerson Krakoff
'61. We had the privilege of having Marian
live with us during the last four years of her
life, off and on. When she wasn't at the UCLA
for treatments for her kidney cancer. She was
a blessing to all who knew her. Her counseling
work with teenagers was remarkable. Her love
for her sons was so admirable. She was a joy
to all who knew her..-- Kay Ross Slater, Marian's
classmate, neighbor and friend of 45 years
Williksen Carlton
September 11, 1942 April
11, 2016
Roberta spent her early
years after high school zipping around in her
convertible Austin Healy and working as an
executive assistant at the Globe Theater in
San Diego-all while taking care of her young
son and waiting for her loving husband to
return home from the Army. She became a
self-taught legal assistant for 15 years, and
then reinvented herself at 40 by getting her
real estate license and becoming recognized as
one of the best still today. Always up for an
adventure, she moved multiple times across
many states including California, North
Carolina, Colorado, and Texas. She had an
indomitable spirit and approached every day
with a renewed energy-nothing could stop her,
not even breast cancer for which she continued
to survive for over 16 years.

Diana Wilson
It is
with great sadness that I inform you that our
classmate and one of my closest friends left
us on February 2nd in Clear Lake Calif -- Susan Stauffer Davenport
Georgia Wilson Hunter
Georgia died unexpectedly on May 31, 2024
Donna Wykle
March 10, 1941 - August 4, 2018

Wayne Zykwa
July 11, 1942 November 21, 2008
(Thanks to Mary
Gale Rogers '67 for many of the above dates)