Memories of

John Muir Elementary School

6880 Mohawk Street - San Diego, CA 92115


Page 1

(Courtesy of Mary Jo Schmith Grubbs, '63)


I'll share the notes from Mary Jo's pictures -- you email back the true identities of the unnamed.

Kindergarten - 1951

"Judy" is the second person, top row -- Mary Jo is 5th from the left; "Grant" is the 1st person, second row -- "Stanley" (with a heart) is at the far right; "Walter B." is on the bottom row, far right; the cutie next to him looks suspiciously like "Lulu Anaya Summers."


Mary Jo Schmith wasn't kidding when she said she knew Lulu before she was "Lulu". This newspaper article appeared -- if my math is correct -- on September 21, 1951.

Grade 1 - Miss Lovell - Mrs. Ramsey -1952

Top Row: Sammy Harvey, Sherrie Olson, Stanley Reed, Shirley Ann Spalding, Mike Standefer, Sharon Montejo, Bill Meeker, Carol Sessions, Bill Posey; 2nd Row: Geraldine Thorpe, Mary Jo Schmith, Perry Coat, Denny Wiliksen, Jerome Thompson; 3rd Row: Judy Smithson, Danny Powers, Miss Lovell, John Muir School, Miss Ramsey, Barbara Templeton, Walter Beerle; 4th Row: Jackie, Eric, Maxine, Donny; Bottom Row: Lyle Reese, Marjorie Poe, Kenneth, Charlene Boone, Grant, Mary Louise Anaya, Mark Bankhead.


Grade 2 - Mrs. Schmidt -1953

Need some help here!! Looks like Lulu maybe upper left, Mary Jo beneath her, and Margie Poe beneath her


Miss Gastonguay - Grade 3 - 1954

Looks like Mary Jo in the upper right, Margie Poe at lower right next to the teachers. Is that Sharon Montijo third from left at the bottom?


Mrs. Gill - Grade 4 - 1955

Mr. Biggerstaff - Grade 5 - 1956

Mr. Biggerstaff - Grade 5 - 1956



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