Herbert Hoover High School circa 1932
I saw Endless Summer in the Hoover auditorium (its at the left), when Bruce Brown personally set up his projector and showed the classic surfing film. I also attended Hoover the summer between Horace Mann and Crawford. I took Art and Driver Education. I think thats when I got to see Goofy star in Mr. Walker and Mr. Wheeler. They also showed gory films of deadly crashes. I called my Mom afterward and tried to convince her to let me walk home -- John Fry
Despite the fact that Hoover was the enemy, it was a classic old school very grandiose, rather like San Diego High. Unless there was more than one drivers training class that summer, we must have been in the same class. I also remember that Goofy movie as well as Red Asphalt (the crash and blood movie). Believe it or not, when my kids took drivers education at San Marcos High in the late 80s they were still showing Red Asphalt. Unfortunately the Goofy movie was not on the scene Barbara Bright Wilder 62
Finally a connection to you! I have getting your e-mails about Crawford for years, but have never seen any event, time, or space we ever shared. That changed this week. I was also at Hoover to see The Endless Summer. By the way, the surfing buddy I went with went to Crawford a year or two behind me. I have never been able to find him on your site. He is Pat Myers -- Richard Terry '64