On 31 January 1968 I arrived in Vietnam. I was assigned to the Navy Air Support Unit (NASU) Chu Lai Vietnam, located at the air base at Chu Lai. Today while surfing the net I came across a video on You Tube taken in 1968 and, while watching, it zoomed in on "MY HOME" in Vietnam. At about 2 minutes 32 seconds into the video it zooms in on a Navy EC-121 Super Connie (Black with white top) from Navy Squadron VW-1 sitting in front of the building that was "MY HOME" for 19 months. The building is behind the tail of the aircraft. Toward the end of the video it show the beach where I went surfing several time. I don't know what the odds are of finding something like this after 41 years, but it shocked me, and also brought back a lot of memories. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, the link to it is below -- Terry Hall 64