Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light Four Nine

HSL-49 "Scorpions"
(Photos by Nancy Wingo)
When a Seahawk squadron needs a color bird they call Fly Girl Painter -- Shayne Meder, assisted by her husband Scott. Shayne invited us to visit HSL-49 at North Island on Friday, January 29, 2010 and see how she does it. She and Scott had the appointed helicopter masked off and just about ready to paint when we arrived. Actually we didn't get to see her in action, because it took her several days and I don't think folks are allowed in the hangar when she's spraying the paint.
Shayne and Scot took the photos below. This is the third Color Bird they've done for the Scorpions. The first one, painted in 2006, was transferred to another unit. In 2008 they painted another one, an aging Bravo model that is about to be taken out of the inventory and, perhaps, placed on base on a pylon.
Thanks for visiting the Scorpions' Nest. Photographed in the Maintenance Control Office are AD1 (AW/SW) Nemrod Guevaraestrada, AMC (AW/SW) Brian Bennett, AE1 (AW) Andrew Thomas, AT1 (AW) Kenneth Phillips, LCDR Stephen Audelo, AWR2 (AW/NAC) David Crowell. (Thank you, YN3 (AW) Melchar Joyce Fernando, for getting the names to me.) |
Click on the photo above if you'd like to purchase a 2010 calendar of Shayne's work. You can see more of Shayne's work by clicking on her logo below