Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 165
HMM-165 "White Knights"

(Photos by Nancy Wingo)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 turned out to be grey and drizzly when we visited the White Knights, at the west end of the Miramar flightline. |
Our hosts were 1stLTs Matt Rogers and Preston Stephens, seen here answering John's question: "What are those black thingies on top of the helicopter?"
Seaknight #06 had its 40th birthday on September 29, 2007, which makes it 14 years older than LT Stephens
Gee -- you don't look 40!!!
The Phrog has plenty of comfortable
seats for fully-loaded troops
Preston and Matt show off the
spacious accommodations
"Marine Airways Flight #1 is ready for takeoff. Please make sure your tray tables are locked and in the upright position."
Team players Stephens and Rogers gamely hoist the ANA Banner