Marine Light Attack Helicopter
Training Squadron 303
HMLA/T-303 "Atlas"

Photographs by Nancy Wingo
MAJ Chris "Chewie" Chown is an instructor pilot for the UH-1Y seen above
Nancy and I rang the doorbell at HMLAT-303 a little before our 10:30 arrival estimate
Our first stop was the equipment
room to pick up our "cranials"
"Maverick" is good to go
Roger that for "Goose"
Skip Fry and Chewie
The rest of the "Yankee"
The tail rotor is the one that makes all the noise, according to Major Chown
Folding the rotors on a 4-bladed
prop is a complicated proposition
The AH-1Z "Venom"
Another view of the Venom
And another view
Atlas CO LTCOL Mark Sojourner joined
Major Chown for a "photo op"