Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369
HMLA-267 "Gunfighters"

Photographs by Nancy Wingo
The Gunfighters fly the UH-1N (foreground) and AH-1W (background)
The new UH-1Y four-bladed Huey was practicing take-offs during our visit
Capt Dan Moench answered
John Fry's questions
A Huey in the hangar for repairs (or maybe just a 5,000 mile lube and oil change)
Captain Moench talks about the Huey's
role in HMLA-369's missiono
Looks like a Cobra's also in the
shop for some maintainance
LCpl Astrid Flores appears to be
overseeing work on the Cobra
We bid farewell to the friendly
folks at HMLA-369
Cpl Mark Rine, Sgt David Buchberger and Captain Dan Moench hoist the ANA banner
Hot Diggety!!! Captain Moench gave me a Gunfighters' "Challenge Coin". Now all I have to do is find a bar full of unsuspecting Marine aviators and It'll be free drinks for me!!