Photographs by John Fry & Nancy Wingo
ON THE FLIGHT-LINE -- A good eye will spot the "Fox in the Hen House". An Army CH-47 "Chinook" was part of some sort of cross-training exercises. Air Force F-16s arrived on base while these photos were being taken. A really good eye can make out in the far distance the semi high-rise buildings of San Diego's "Golden Triangle".
A couple of 361's Super Stallions
06 -- "Our" CH-53
Another view of 06
Jack Koshear appears ready for take-off
Jack is still waiting
Ken Baldry studies the circuitry
CPL Steven Vanarsdale had the
answers to all of our questions
1stLT Christopher Garnier
and Jack Mijatovich
CPL Vanarsdale, John Fry, Ken Baldry, Jack Koshear, and LT Garnier
( LT Garnier is a graduate of Rancho Bernardo High School)