I copied the above photo from a January 1942 edition of National Geographic, which was loaned to me for a day. The little shack on the right says Office: El Cerritos Heights Homes. I opined that it looked to be in the Crawford attendance area, probably because of the Chollas Towers in the background.
That neighborhood is in the Crawford attendance area and home to a few Colts. The picture was taken looking south on 60th Street from about Bradford Street. The sales sign was next to my house, where Estelle, Adelaide, and Vale Way all intersected. People in the hood: My sister, Linda Marchese 66 ; Von 66, Vic 63 and Gar Jacobson 60; Bill 66, Bob 63 and Rochelle Harrison 60 (later their home was bought by Art Ciuffo 69); Gary 60, Judy 67 and Tony Keefer 69; Clair 60 and Rich Ambler 63, Lynn 62, Nonnie 64 and Kemp Ipsen 66; Candy Kerr 66, Ron 60 and Dick Heimlich 62, David and Ellen Poulter, Greg 64 and Susan Shindel 69, Paul Maris, Ricky 63 and Brian Evers 59, Sammy Zolezzi 67, Carl 66 and Claudia Chesshir 60, Ann Radtke 61, Preston Beebe 65, and Carl Meuselbach 66. Thanks for posting our National Geographic picture. I never knew our claim to fame was that we were sheltered industrial workers. We were just a bunch of happy kids hangin out -- Laura Marchese Stephenson 69
The National Geographic photo is taken from Bradford and 60th Street. Instant recognition from my days of walking, running, biking, flexi-ing down that street on my way home from Food Basket or Rexall Drug to 60th and Meade. Thanks for the memories. My sister Judy Gurling '60 recalls that the Ritchie family lived on Meade Ave.across the street from us and were upset when our house and others were built. They could no longer look over and see the cows on what was the Daley ranch. -- Barb Gurling McAlexander 64
(Flexi-ing? As in riding your Flexible Flyer? Dont EVEN tell me you were a Tom Boy!! -- JF)
Bob Richardson '61 snagged this shot off of Google Earth on May 24, 2011. I'm not sure when Google took it.