Hi John The Can-Can kickers photo above was probably taken by me in 1955 at a party given by my sister Margaret '59. Diane Dawson is nearest the camera, next to Johnny Blackwood. Mike Kilpatrick is on the far end. I'm not sure who the girl is next to him, but surely folks from the class of '59 will know. ("The unidentified girl must be Joyce Moore -- Lee Harris '59)
The beach scene below is one I had intended to send as a "guess who this is" challenge, but alas I waited too long. The shapely young woman in standing in the swimsuit is the late Carol Drogin '59. My back is to the camera. My dad took this when we were staying at Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro in 1960. Carol accompanied us as a fifth Richardson that summer. She was a terrific traveler. She was always upbeat, never complained, made us all feel good.
The Can Can kickers photo above was probably taken by me in 1955 at a party given by my sister, Margaret '59. Diane Dawson is nearest the camera, then Johnny Blackwood. Mike Kilpatrick is on the far end. I'm not sure who the girl is next to him, but surely folks from the class of '59 will know Bob Richardson 61