Don Jose's Restaurant
Don Jose's circa 1950
(Courtesy of Jacqueline Reed Boehmke (Hoover ’58)
sister of Jani Reed Ellis ‘60)

mention of Don Jose's Restaurant in a recent Fry Day email elicited
fond memories as well as cries of "Don Jose's is gone? When did that
happen?" Well, I don't rightly know. I have but a single memory of
attending the place with my family as a child. I wasn't pleased with my
iced tea and taco, probably because I was hoping for a root beer and a
hot dog.
Where WAS Don Jose's? I checked my 1956 City Directory and found Don
Jose's at 4247 El Cajon Blvd. I drove by and took the photo above. It
sort of looked familiar, but I had it in my head that the restaurant was
closer to Hoover High. On my next trip to the downtown library I
checked the 1965 City Directory and found it at 4551 El Cajon -- just
west of Hoover. I took the photo below. The proprietors were (if memory
serves) Jose and Doris Ross. Does anyone have any Don Jose's
Don Jose's Menu
Morgan '71 figured he had eaten at Don Jose's once a week for 40 years.
One day, he thinks in 1996, he sensed something was a amiss and learned
that it was the restaurant's last day. When he left he took the menu
undertook an exhaustive search many years ago to try and locate the Don
Jose Restaurant recipes, which involved enlisting the help of two other
Crawford Alumni -- to no avail. I tracked down the former accountant of
Don Jose's. The accountant told me when the the final owner of the
restaurant was close to death, he wanted to give him the recipes but
since the accountant lived on a boat he had no room to store them. The
accountant gave me the name and phone number of the deceased restaurant
owner's relative whom he understood was given the recipes which are
reportedly stored in boxes in his garage. I have been unable to speak
with the family member who reportedly has the recipes stored in his
garage. I have explained the situation to his wife who refuses to allow
me to speak with her husband. She indicated the garage is a mess and
they do not know if or where the recipes are in the garage. I offered to
buy the recipes, go to their house and clean/organize their garage and
look for the recipes or just have a brief meeting to discuss the
recipes, all of which was declined. Additionally, I purchased two quarts
of Don Jose's enchilada sauce on their final day in business. I have
kept it hermetically sealed and frozen all these years thinking of
having it one day reverse engineered by a food scientist to obtain the
ingredients and portions in an attempt to reproduce it. I know this may
sound a bit strange and perhaps the ramblings of a "nut" but it's a true
story you may find amusing. I am always happy when I read various
alumni's stories of Don Jose's being their favorite Mexican
food/restaurant ever but think probably no one else has gone as far as I
have to obtain the recipes -- David Morgan ’71
Ruth's Salsa Recipe
2 Wax chiles
onions (minced fine)
scallions (minced fine)
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp oil
salt and peper to taste
pinch of oregano
(This seems rather random to me, but I'm not a cook.
Let me know if you have success -- JF)
Memories of Don Jose's
brother Keith Christensen '68, was born August 9, 1950 -- shortly after
my mother consumed a sour cream enchilada at the original Don Jose’s at
42nd and El Cajon. That is a young Don Jose Ross in the photo above, a
friend for 40 years -- Richard Christensen ‘63
almost cried when I read about Don Jose's. My family ate there almost
every Friday night starting at the little place across the street from
Lloyd's furniture, then across from Hoover and finally in Kearny Mesa.
Even after I married, my wife (Kathy Cuvala Dronenburg 63) and I were
there weekly until we moved from the city. My family and I knew the
Ross's well. They lived in Kensington until they sold the restaurant.
When I was in Jr. High at Horace Mann, I went to a Job's Daughters dance
with Lupe Ross, their daughter (my first big time dance). She was a
sweetheart but I lived so far away on 54th St., while she lived all the
way over by 41st and Adams Ave. Ruth the waitress was the best, but as
good as the people were, and they did make a difference, the food was
the very best. It was just so difficult to pick from the menu, for
everything was sensational. I have eaten at thousands of Mexican
restaurants since then and they all pale in comparison to my memories of
DJ's food. Thanks, for the copy of the menu, my mouth watered as I read
it again -- Ernie Dronenburg ‘61
the early 70s Don Jose's relocated to Convoy Street in Kearny Mesa,
then became a Chippendale's. What an ignominious end. I went to the
original (only a counter and stools) with my parents as a toddler.
Thanks for the memories. -- Gayle Wishnek Wise ‘62
-- very sadly -- it is no more. The original location was on El Cajon
Boulevard one block west of the old Lloyds Furniture store. There is now
a sewing machine store in the building. The new location opened early
1960s and was there until mid ‘80s. We went there to eat at least once a
week -- more if we could con our mom into taking us. My favorite was
the #3 combination plate with a taco, enchilada and a tostada. I would
kill for just one more Don Jose's taco. Jose Ross and his wife passed
away many years ago. They had a daughter named Lupe who often worked at
the restaurant. Our classmate Richard Hurtado's mom worked there. You
regulars will remember Ruth, who was a waitress for years and went in
every day to make the salsa. The restaurant was closed every Tuesday and
during Easter vacation and Christmas. It was a favorite place to go
with a date after a movie or a dance. We started going there when my mom
was pregnant with my brother James so I was about four. Does anyone
remember the refried beans? I can still taste that food – well, not
literally -- but what a memory. -- Donna Johnson ’62
also remember going to the Don Jose's near Hoover High with my family. I
particularly liked the sopapillas. There is a Don Jose's here in Laguna
Woods/Laguna Hills. We go frequently and like it much better than the
El Torito, which is just as close. I don't think they have sour cream
enchiladas on the menu, but I make my own. My sons always request them
when they come to visit. Tell your readers in San Diego they can drive
an hour and fifteen minutes north and still have Don Jose's. They closed
the one in Moreno Valley where I used to live so I'm happy there is one
here. -- Liz Urick Heacock '69
remember going to Don Jose's in the ‘50s. I loved their guacamole tacos
-- the best I've ever eaten. There is a Don Jose's in Lake Elsinore off
Interstate 15. I've tried the food. It's NOT the same. It's been there
at least 15 years that I know of. I don't know if it is part of the
original Don Jose's -- Mark Silver ‘69
too lament the loss of Don Jose's. We are on a constant quest to find
the best possible alternative. Alas, we have found nothing even close!
If you find one please let us know. We are especially in search of an
adequate chile relleno. -- Jeannie Governali Ray ‘72
would die for a Don Jose’s taco ... Have never had a taco I liked
better. I loved Don Jose's!!! If you get recipes, I'll send another $30
for them!! :) -- Debra Rogers Park ‘72
REALLY miss Don Jose’s. As a native I was raised on his tacos, beans
and salsa and loved going there to see our favorite waitresses Ruth
(with the big hoop earrings) and lovely Luisa! Do you think anyone would
know if the salsa recipe might be hanging around somewhere? The elegant
Don Jose himself was my neighbor on Collwood Lane until his untimely
passing. Always a gentleman, he was the restaurant’s Maitre ‘D. At
Halloween he and his wife would invite all of the kids inside his home
to choose from a wonderful array of treats! I would PAY for the salsa
recipe!!!!!!!!! My sister, Tammy ‘78 was in town this week and we were
talking about Don Jose’s just today.............I was talking about the
SALSA!!!!!!!!!........God I miss the food.....the beans.........the sour
creamm enchiladas............the tacos.......the quesadillas...the
tostadas.......the near beer......the smell when you walked into the
restaurant.........and the smell you wore home
.........ahhhhhhhhh..........we need a resurrection ........I think we
can make it happen if we can find out if anyone who ever worked there is
still around..........let’s begin the MOVEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Linda Zweig ‘75
website is the only one I have found that references Don Jose’s
restaurant. I have been craving their food for many years. Just tonight I
searched for sour cream sauce enchiladas. No luck. I can still remember
the taste of their salsa. Everything there was fantastic. I miss them
so much. I sent the link to your website to my family members. They all
remember Don Jose's restaurant. We talked for a long time about each
menu item. It is as though we were transported back in time and could
taste each item. The food was really that good. Even my son who was only
4 or 5 years old at the time can remember the bean & cheese sauce
burritos. Has there ever been any luck in contacting anyone from the
restaurant for current locations or menu recipes? -- Bill Morris '76