Commander Naval Air Forces
Change of Command and
Retirement Ceremony
Aboard USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)
July 1, 2010
(Photos by Nancy Wingo)
Off the port elevator and into the hangar deck to await the services on the flight deck
I want a Hornet at my next party
A shadow box featuring name tags, patches and pennants from
VADM Kilcline's long career John Fry and CAPT Rich Dann
More views of the hangar deck party decorations.
The Navy Band Southwest heads to the flight deck We take the next elevator
San Diego's downtown skyscrapers are barely visible in the morning mist
A view of the island
VADM Allen Myers (right) relieves VADM Thomas Kilcline, as
ADM John Harvey looks on. At left is Chaplain Irving Elsen
(U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Adrian T. White)
LT Melissa Hawley flew in from Pensacola to serve as a sideboy
for her former boss the Color Guard departs
at the end of the ceremony
VADM Thomas Kilcline chats with a well-wisher at the reception following his retirement as Commander Naval Air Forces
Click HERE to read the Union-Tribune
article on VADM Kilcline's retirement