(Above, left) My 54 Chevy burning rubber on Chollas Parkway, (now College Grove Dr according to GoogleEarth) westbound about 1965. And to think, I was the son of a San Diego Police officer! (Above, right) Two dragsters at the Ramona Drag Strip about 1962. Glen Lechiens older brother was driving the dragster closest to camera. Glen was quite a bit younger than me and I don't know if he ever went to Crawford. At the time he lived directly across the street from the Oak Park Little League fields. (Below) Two photos of a couple of AMT model cars I built in 1962, then and now. Both are on the same desk I built them on. Note the old 45s in the background All the B&W photos were developed and printed in the Graphics Arts darkroom at Crawford. I have many great memories of that class Bill Ross 65