Class of 1960
50th Anniversary Reunion
Friday, October 8th Old Town Mexican Cafe
Lela Kerth Schlitz, Tammy Kritzer Kelly,
Betty Ziehl Vega, Sandra Harrison Barlau
Judy Greer and William Bourbonnais
Jim and Marilyn Moellinger Lane
Vickie Heramb Lareau, Sharon Culver Considine, Nilla Pate Hamilton, Kay Ross Slater, Ginny Sanderson Dahlen,
Susie Ellison Logan
Sandy Hoffing Jackel, Marilyn Eidex Hertz,
Barbara Bell Howell, Gail Bell
(Back Row) Judi Leonard Kanne, Sandy Hoffing Jackel, Suzy Ellison Logan, Marilyn Eidex Hertz, Linda Shulkind Blumer, Nadyne Lieberman McDermott (Front Row) (Asks not to be named), Phyllis Rivers Dorfman
Eric Sarkela, Bob Stewart, Dave Flesner
Great Food!!!
Do you remember when
How many years has it been?
Getting Reacquainted: Priceless!!
Saturday, October 9th Bali Hai Restaurant
Back Row: Ken and Linda Blumer, Phyllis Rivers Dorfman, Judi Leonard Kanne, Sandy Hoffing Jackel, Mike Bennett, Baranov, Mel and Diana Brav, Robert Schriebman Front Row: Marilyn Eidex Hertz, Kathy Tonsky Clyman, Donna Schiller Bughi, Myra Segal, Ruth Schriebman
Nilla Pate Hamilton, Sharon Bentley Ball, Sharon Bell, Judy Dovey Watkins,
Don Ball '59, Carol Down Hunt
Don and Judy Mac Farlane
Terry and Linda Hill
Bob and Diane Stewart, Dave and Christine Flesner, Gordon and Shauna Dawson
Nancy Alumbaugh Bailey, Marsha Austin Rogers, Katherine Herd, Deanie Gilbert Sostrich
Betty Ziehl Vega, Lela Kerth Schlitz, Tammy Kritzer Kelly, Georgia Smith Vitacco
The Reunion Committee
Juke Box
John McDonald and Master of Ceremonies Pat Chambers
John McDonald plays "All Hail Crawford High School"
Nancy Watson Wingo
and John Fry '62